
Moving your body will help you feel good not only physically, but mentally too. Learn about the latest fitness news and tricks, and get inspired to try a new activity like pickleball, surfing or skateboarding.

20 ways to burn 100 calories

Making small changes in your daily life is all it takes to get back on the road to health and...

4 moves for stronger, firmer arms

Do these 4 moves just 3 times a week for toned arms to carry you through your day

How to run your first 10K

Try this training program for intermediate runners created by a Canadian running champion

Give yourself a natural chest lift

Strengthening and building the chest muscles will help perk up the surrounding tissue, too. Here's how to do it

4 moves for a stronger chest

Do this routine twice a week for a stronger, more supportive chest

The ultimate 10-minute workout

Burn calories and build muscle fast with this high-intensity circuit-training workout you can finish in just 10 minutes

8 ways to avoid holiday weight gain

December is a dangerous month for those of us trying to eat well and maintain a healthy weight. Find out...

Yoga meditation: A beginner’s guide

Get started on the road to a meditation practice with this guide for beginners

Yoga pose of the month: Beat stress and tension with Legs up the Wall Pose

Every time exhaustion hits and mood takes a nose dive, this simple pose is guaranteed to de-stress and calm your...

Your at-home holiday workout routine

Don't let a busy social schedule derail your fitness plans during the holidays. This quick and effective holiday workout will...

6 moves to tone your joint muscles

The right workout can help ease your joint woes. Here are six moves to tone the muscles around your knees,...

Are toning shoes right for you?

Toning shoes have become the latest fitness trend, but do they really work? We put five popular brands to the...

6 ways to maintain weight loss

Losing weight isn't always easy, but keeping those pounds off can be just as challenging. Here are six tips to...

How to keep your family fit

Finding time to exercise and eat healthy can be an overwhelming challenge for time-crunched families. Canadian fitness expert Paul Plakas...

How to choose the best yoga mat

Looking to buy a yoga mat? If you think the only considerations are its colour and design, think again. Not...

The ultimate bodyweight exercise routine

Want to get fit and toned without logging hours at the gym? This 20-minute bodyweight exercise routine will whip you...

4 moves for a stronger core

Do this routine three to six times a week for a stronger core to keep you stable through life

Get a stronger core in 4 easy steps

A strong core is more than just pretty abs. Here's how to strengthen your core to make you stronger for...

5 diets that don’t work

From South Beach to the Master Cleanse, diets that help you drop pounds in a hurry may seem appealing'but will...

Yoga pose of the month: Engage inner strength with Warrior II

As the days grow shorter and indoor life gets busier, find your inner strength and focus by practising Warrior II...

Yoga pose of the month: Engage inner strength with Warrior II

As the days grow shorter and indoor life gets busier, find your inner strength and focus by practising Warrior II...

7 things that are secretly making you gain weight

Not sure why your jeans suddenly feel tighter? Choices you make in your everyday life might be secretly causing you...

The cheapest workout tool you’ll ever use

Want to build strong, shapely muscles? Tone up with our custom workout, featuring the cheapest workout tool ever: tubing!

Yoga pose of the month: Release tension with Reed Pose with side bends

Muscle tension can accumulate in the neck and shoulders, especially during busy periods. Relieve that tension with this side bend

6 ways to rev up your metabolism

Yes, you can burn more calories'by boosting your metabolism. Here's how

6 reasons why you’re overweight

Not sure how the number on the scale got so high? You're not alone. Here are six reasons why you're...

The ultimate guide to the gym

Whether you are looking to lose weight or gain strength our guide will help you get active and make the...

Legs workout: Get athletic and toned

Try this four-week legs workout plan for strong, athletic-looking legs