Fitness11 Workout Moves You Can Do With Everyday Objects You Have at Home Want to exercise at home? Here, two all-star trainers demonstrate how to easily turn your home into a gym for a full-body workout.
FitnessThese Trendy Ankle Weights Will Transform Your At-Home Workout It’s no wonder these weights (which can also be worn on the wrists) are everywhere right now. Here are the best ways to use them.
Sexual HealthYour Guide to a Leak-Free Workout (Yes, We’re Talking About Pee) Mild to moderate incontinence is a real issue for lots of women. Here are some tips to ensure you make the right kind of splash in your workout clothes.
FitnessCan’t Fit In a Full At-Home Workout? Do This Don’t have an hour to devote to working out at the gym? No problem — follow this at-home circuit instead.
FitnessPerk Up Your Barre Workout by Streaming a Class From London, Paris, and NYC Learn how the ballerina-inspired workout is done in other major cities.
FitnessThis Is the Least Amount of Exercise You Need to Live Longer You don’t need hours and hours of workouts to reap the benefits of exercise. Here’s what’s necessary.
Fitness13 Post-Workout Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Progress You put in all that work getting a sweat on, so don’t undo it all as soon as the exercise is over.
FitnessThe Best Walking Workout for Older People A strength and nutrition coach reveals the benefits of walking for older people and offers a walking workout tailored to all fitness levels.
Fitness8 Compelling Reasons You Should Exercise Every Day Yes, we exercise to get toned, but sweating it out has long-lasting benefits that go way beyond our waistline. Here are eight reasons why you should start moving today.
FitnessThe Benefits of a Ballet-Inspired Workout As digital editor, Renée Reardin, recently learned, a dance-inspired workout can be the answer to a life-long search for the perfect fitness routine – barre none.