How Heart Disease Affects Women Differently Than Men
After having a heart attack, Vincenza Spiteri DeBonis, 64, shares her experience of learning to take care of herself and how heart disease affects women differently than men.

“I Am Astounded That I Survived”
The story behind a misunderstood and often misdiagnosed heart condition that's affecting Canadian women

What Is Acute Heart Failure? Here’s What You Need to Know
We all think we understand what acute heart failure is, but the reality is complicated. This aggressive syndrome causes a...

3 Stretches That Are Good For Your Heart
New research has shown stretching can improve your cardiovascular health.

8 Causes of Exercise-Related Chest Pain Besides a Heart Attack
When you have chest pain during exercise, your first thought may be heart attack. But there can be lots of...

16 Things Doctors Do to Lower Their High Cholesterol
Doctors get high cholesterol, too.

7 Supplements Heart Doctors Take Every Day
Your diet delivers a lot of nutrients, but sometimes your heart needs a bit more. Here, heart experts share the...

3 Ways to Pump Up Your Cardiovascular Health
Covid-19 has served as a good reminder about the imporÂtance of prioritizing your heart health, since data have shown that...

15 Heart Attack Prevention Tips Every Woman Must Know
Heart disease kills 12 Canadian adults every hour, according to the Government of Canada. Here are the life-saving changes you...

14 Ways to Lower Triglycerides Naturally
Are your triglyceride levels elevated? Here's how to bring that number down yourself.

11 Silent Signs of Heart Trouble You Shouldn’t Ignore
Can’t finish that one-mile run anymore? It could be your heart.

20 Foods That Can Help Unclog Your Arteries
You're never too young to start eating for your arteries—blockages can start early. Science shows that these foods could be...

25 Heart-Health Secrets Cardiologists Want You to Know
The surprising things your heart doctor really thinks about your weight, your red wine habit, and more.

6 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Heart Health
Your risk for heart disease and stroke might be higher than you think.

15 Serious Diseases That Strike Women More Than Men
If you're a woman, you should be aware of your increased risk of these conditions.

This Common Type of Stress Can Literally Give You a Heart Attack
Everyone knows that stress is bad for your heart. But one kind of stress in particular is associated with a...

How to Manage Your Heart Attack Risk — According to a Holistic Nutritionist
My mother and sister both suffered heart attacks. How can I manage my risk?

How a Cardiologist Suggests You Manage Your Heart Attack Risk
My mother and sister both suffered heart attacks. How can I manage my risk?

Hypertension: What It Is And What You Need To Know
Hypertension is a virtually symptomless – but potentially dangerous – condition. Thankfully, it is easy to treat with the right lifestyle choices...

Nutrition Tips For A Healthier Heart
It can seem daunting to eat a healthier diet, especially for your heart health. But with these easy-to-follow five nutrition...

What Does Sex Do To Your Heart?
We know sex is exciting. But find out what it does to the heart and the hormones it releases in...

The Amount of Housework You’re Doing is Destroying Your Health, New Study Finds
Women are hurting their health by doing too much housework.

This Simple Online Heart Test Can Save Your Life
Do you know how old your heart really is?

8 Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Diet for a Healthier Heart
Taking good care of your ticker begins with what you put on your plate.

7 Facts About Heart Disease That Can Save Your Life
Do you know your risk? Read on to find out the truth about seven heart disease myths

7 Signs You Might be Headed for a Heart Attack
Your mood, sleep schedule, and even your neighbourhood could be putting your ticker in trouble.

Take the Test: Do You Know Your Heart Age?
This simple test can determine whether your heart age matches your actual age

Hawthorn: A Natural Way to Boost Heart Health
Hawthorn has been a popular natural remedy used to improve heart health since ancient times

How much sodium do we really consume?
Excessive sodium intake is contributing to a high rate of cardiovascular disease. Here's a look at sodium consumption around the...

7 ways your oral health affects your overall health
Poor oral health won't just lead to a toothless grin. Find out how the health of your mouth impacts the...

The 6 best exercises for heart health
Improve your cardiovascular fitness with these heart-pumping types of physical activity