Meet a healthier coffee barista
Some days you just need a coffee. But you know that the syrup, sugar and caffeine aren’t doing your body any favours. So, what do you do? Have your coffee, says Brian Leonard, East Coast-bred, Toronto-based celebrity latte artist and resident barista artist at Calii Love.
Affectionately known as “Barista Brian, he tells Best Health about the latest trends in coffee are all about making a healthier coffee. (You need to check out @baristabrian on Instagram, too!)
“Specialty coffee has come a long way in the past few years,” he says. “People care more about where their coffee is coming from. And they also care where their dairy is coming from, too.”
He mentions upcoming coffee trends include direct-trade coffee and dairy, where the money goes straight to the farmers to produce higher quality coffee ingredients. (Leonard loves Rolling Meadow grass-fed milk, and he finds he is able to better digest it than regular milk.)
Actually, coffee has loads of health benefits. But if you want to order a healthier coffee or make yourself home brew that is better for you, check out his tips.

Healthier coffee tip #1: Add a bit of turmeric to your cup
We always think of cinnamon as the spice of choice, but don’t limit yourself.
The coffee expert says: “Turmeric is really good for the immune system,” says Leonard. “It has anti-inflammatory properties. That is one that people order for their healthy, but it also tastes really good. It tastes like a ginger latte.”
Barista Brian’s tip: Add a touch of black pepper to activate the turmeric’s healthy qualities.

Healthier coffee tip #2: Don’t burn your milk
Milk and milk alternatives have sugar, so they can burn easily. And you know what burning does to the body.
The coffee expert says: “When you are heating milk, you don’t want to burn the milk but you also want it to be as hot as possible,” says Leonard.
Barista Brian’s tip: Most baristas suggest heating milk until it gets to about 60 to 70 degrees Celcius. But Leonard says you can touch the bottom of the frothing cup, not the sides. “That shows you it’s heated all the way through.”
Not into milk? Here are eight signs you might be lactose intolerant.

Healthier coffee tip #3: Drop the syrup
It’s a waste of calories and there are more nutritious ways to flavour your coffee or milk.
The coffee expert says: “I’ll never make a salted caramel cappuccino,” says Leondard. “I use alternatives.” For something sweet and no-cal to replace chocolate flavouring, Barista Brian adds cardamom.
Should you give up sugar for good? Here are nine signs you are eating too much of the sweet stuff.

Healthier coffee tip #4: Think of your coffee as a supplement
You can add nutrients to your coffee, as long as they can tolerate heat.
The coffee expert says: Leonard is loving blue lattes made with blue green algae powder. “It’s filled with B vitamins,” he says. “B vitamins are sometimes tough to get in your diet. It works really well in lattes.
Barista Brian’s tip: Don’t add sugar. You don’t need it. It naturally sweetens your coffee.
Want to know more algae powder? Here is the 411 on this supplement.

Healthier coffee tip #5: Don’t get jittery from your coffee
This is a matcha made in heaven. You can still enjoy caffeine in your latte by making it with matcha – but without the jitters.
The coffee expert says: “Matcha does have caffeine, but it has l-theanine, which slows the delivery of caffeine,” says Leonard. It’s not the same jolt you would get from, say, espresso, he adds.
Best Health insider tip: The people behind Calii Love opened a new coffee shop/social spot, Love Child. That direct-trade coffee Leonard was talking about, Barocco will be served there too.
Find out exactly how matcha works and why it is so good for you. Plus: Matcha recipes!