“We Started A Podcast About Eating Gluten-Free And Exploring Wellness.”
Love all things gluten-free? Then you will love these two ladies: Rachel Hunt and Becka Crowe. They are behind the podcast Vibe Tribe Wellness.

Two girlfriends chatting about health and wellness
Podcasts are all the rage – almost as trendy as gluten-free macarons. I joke, of course, but health podcasts are a great way to zone out while you’re on the elliptical. You can learn about first-hand experiences with health concerns, listen to advice from experts and so much more. So when Rachael Hunt, 29, of the blog GlutenFreedom, asked me to listen to Vibe Tribe Wellness Podcast, which she started with her friend Becka Crowe, 26, of Going Grainless, I immediately downloaded a few episodes for my train commute. I follow them both on Instagram. Each one they interview a health/wellness expert about their healthy lifestyle, so you can get the inside story on how you can be healthier and make better choices.
So, what is their #BHmoment? How about over 10K in downloads within three months of starting their podcast. Hunt, a digital marketer by day, and Crowe, a business development manager, share how they broke into the world of health podcasts.
The big step into podcasting
“With both of us having such a big focus on food, in particular our gluten-free and grain-free lifestyles, for so long, we were transitioning our individual brands to a more wellness focus,” says Hunt. “It was important for us to create a platform to inspire others to live their best life, discussing topics like mindfulness, meditation, clean eating, fitness, etc. and bring on amazing guests from all over the world.”
How they did it
“The concept came to us after several conversations about our shifting passions and desire to reach people in more ways than just through food,” says Hunt. “Podcasts were a major source of inspiration and motivation for us, so one day we decided to create our own.”
“We were able to leverage our project through our individual platforms, which also helped us source some of the amazing guests we’ve had on today,” say Crowe. “With weekly promotional plans and the help of loyal listeners, we’ve met our goals quickly.”
What they would do differently
“We are learning all the time – sound quality, question style, even how we interview,” says Hunt. “We have had a few technical difficulties, so we are working on ironing out those kinks so we can continue to make this most enjoyable for our listeners.”
Thinking of starting your own podcast? Their advice:
“The best piece of advice we can give and have received is to just start,” says Hunt. “If you are truly and authentically passionate about something, what have got to lose. There is no foolproof plan for success, except hard work, trial and error that gives you the chance to get better and closer to succeeding.”
As for going gluten-free
“Eat real food, be genuine, do what you love and surround yourself with people who make you feel awesome.”
Want to see more of these gluten-free gal pals?
Follow Vibe Tribe Wellness on Instagram: @thisisvibetribe, @glutenfreedominc (Hunt) and @goinggrainless (Crowe). The Vibe Tribe Wellness podcast is available for free on both iTunes & GooglePlay. A new episode launches every Tuesday.