News: Scientists release list of must-eat healthy foods
Food Technology, the magazine of the Institute of Food Technologists, recently published a list of 16 healthy foods you should

Food Technology, the magazine of the Institute of Food Technologists, recently published a list of 16 healthy foods you should be eating regularly, based on various scientific studies. They’ve broken their list into four categories: whole grains, legumes, nuts, and fruits and vegetables.
Wondering what you should be adding to your grocery list? Here’s what the editors at Food Technology suggest:
‘ Whole grains: Barley, quinoa and buckwheat, brown rice, rye
‘ Legumes: Soybeans, pulses
‘ Nuts: Almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts
‘ Fruits and vegetables: Black raspberries, blueberries, broccoli and cauliflower, pomegranates, tomatoes
How does your diet stack up against this list of whole-food giants? I’ll definitely be adding more barley and black raspberries to my must-eat list!
‘ 10 healthy foods you’re not eating
‘ 8 surprisingly unhealthy foods
‘ 10 foods you should eat every day