Do Lip Masks Really Work?

Before you buy a lip mask, read our multi-person review first to know if it's worth it.
When the Rodial Dragon’s Blood Lip Mask arrived at the beauty desk, it definitely got my attention—and the attention of my colleagues too. Everyone wanted to try it, and for good reason: We’re seeing lip masks just about everywhere these days.
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But before I go into what everyone thought, here’s some info on Rodial lip masks:
- These are part of the Dragon’s Blood line from Rodial. But before you start worrying about the dragons harmed in making this product, know that dragon’s blood comes from a plant and is known to be protective for skin cells. It’s the red sap from the Croton Lechleri tree.
- The Rodial lip masks are much like sheet masks, except smaller and pout-shaped. The material is made of bio-cellulose fibre. These aren’t the pink, jelly-like ones that celebs post on Instagram (looking at you, Emma Stone). But the idea is similar in treating the skin on the lips.
- These lip masks promise to hydrate and tone, as well as plump. They are infused with the hydrating ingredient hyaluronic acid, which helps to get “smoother, younger looking lips.”
- When you open the Rodial lip mask sachet, there are three layers to the mask. The outer two can be tossed, but it’s the middle one that you use. You wear it for 15 minutes. There’s a slit to open your mouth while wearing it, but you can’t really talk, eat or drink (unless with a straw).
- These are not insta-friendly. So, sorry. No pics. (No one would agree to it. But a few did post selfies on Snapchat.) It’s like a sheet mask, so you’ll be constantly smoothing the mask with your fingers so it adheres to your mouth.
What did I think? I had low expectations. I didn’t think I’d get Kylie Jenner-like results. But these made my lips feel smoother than any lip balm ever could. I also got a compliment on my lip colour. (The person thought I was wearing a pink lipstick.) If you don’t want to take my word for it, here are some reviews on the Rodial lip masks from my office mates.
“After I used it, my lips felt firmer and look slightly more symmetrical. They’re also super moisturized.” – Alessandra
“The mask felt like a wet Kleenex, yet it was surprisingly easy to forget about it for the 15-minute wait. My lips immediately felt more hydrated and look less chapped than they have all winter. Plus, it makes for a wacky Snapchat story.” – Courtney
“It was very difficult to apply for a guy with facial hair. I have the same problem with sheet face masks — it refuses to stay put over stubble. Although I didn’t notice any plumping – I have quite thin lips to begin with – I felt that lip lines were indeed smoothed over, so there was obviously some volume added.” – Brett
“This is a great mask that produces noticeable results. I found it very easy to apply, with results lasting for at least six hours. Highly recommend for using before a night out or on any day your lips need a moisture boost.” – Irena
“It felt cool and tingly at first, but only a few minutes in and my lips felt refreshed, hydrated, and plumper.” – Kimberley
“I’ll definitely use this lip mask before a big night out. My lips are pretty small and the mask gave them some temporary ooomph that I haven’t seen before. I’m glad I discovered them just before wedding season.” – Angela
Rodial Dragon’s Blood Lip Mask, $45 at Murale locations; individual for $7,
Next, learn how to make your face mask work harder.