I Tried It: Age Quencher Beauty System
The Age Quencher Beauty system promises to boost your skin, nails and hair.

Bring Out Your Beauty From the Inside, Out
I never thought that I’d be taking an anti-aging beauty regime at the wise, mature age of 22. But once I heard about Age Quencher Beauty System, an ingestible beauty routine that promises to improve the appearance of your hair, nails and skin, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give it a try!
Age Quencher is a newly launched beauty innovation created by three powerful Canadian women: naturopathic doctor Holly Fennell, Beverly Hammond, CEO of Marketing Agency Republic and Canadian business guru Belinda Stronach.
The 30-day Age Quencher Beauty System consists of natural ingredients and minerals that promote brighter skin, softer and stronger hair, and healthier, faster-growing nails. Some of the many beneficial ingredients includes colloidal silicon dioxide, known to decrease fine lines, and selenium, which preserves the skin’s elasticity.
Cost: $200 for a 30-day routine which includes three ingestible beauty products (protein powder, beauty vitamins and beauty electrolytes). You can purchase the routine at agequencher.com.
Pros: My favourite result of the 30-day routine has been how fast my hair grew! It grew so much that I decided to get a quick trim in between full cuts, which is something I don’t usually do.
I also noticed that my nails were less prone to breakage and that they grew at a super-speed. I found myself trimming them much more than normal. I know a lot of girlfriends who would love fast-growing nails, but since I wear contact lenses and need to keep them short, I don’t think I was able to take full advantage of it.
Lastly, I also enjoyed drinking the Age Quencher electrolytes with my workout. I felt like it gave me an extra boost of energy compared to drinking my regular iced water.
Cons: Some days I felt that it was tedious to incorporate all three products into my daily routine. I felt like it was hard to include the protein powder into my diet if I didn’t have all the ingredients on hand to make a smoothie or if I wanted to eat something else for breakfast. When this would happen, I would make an impromptu grocery run so that I could have it as an evening snack instead, which I didn’t like doing since the protein powder was super-filling and I try not to get into the habit of snacking after dinner.
The Beauty Hydrate electrolyte was easy to add into my water, but I didn’t really notice a significant difference in my skin’s moisture. On that note, I think that may be because I am in my early twenties and I do drink more water than most people (at least 10 glasses a day). I’m also very conscious of using sunscreen and am always slathering lotion onto my skin, so I don’t think I needed the extra moisture boost that Age Quencher advertises.
Bottom Line: At almost $7 a day, I would recommend the Age Quencher Beauty system if you’re already spending the same amount of money on hair, nail, and skin products and want improvement in all three areas. I’d also suggest the 30-day routine if you were looking to grow your hair and nails for a special event. Not sure if you can swing the cost? Cut out your daily latte (which is probably $5) and you’re nearly there!