Reader letters: September 2009
Find out what readers had to say in letters from the September issue of Best Health Magazine

Source: Best Health Magazine, September 2009
I loved the feature about platters in your Summer issue (‘The Mediterranean, on a Platter,’ page 100). Everything was fresh, easy and uncomplicated’like summer itself. And, happily, I can buy all the ingredients at our local grocery store. In recipes from other magazines, quite often I am unable to find some ingredients because I live in a rural area.
Lynn O’Donnell, Antigonish, N.S.
I enjoyed reading ‘Drop Pounds with Caution’ (Summer, page 68) because there’s so much confusion about how to lose weight safely. Recently, two friends developed complications while on a rapid-weight- loss program (luckily, they are fine now). I would only consider signing on to such a program after I had consulted with my family doctor.
Karen Andrae, Burlington, Ont.
Thanks for choosing my tip for the ‘Your Best Advice’ page of the Summer issue (page 10). I live in a small town of 2,900, and while shopping on our one and only main street, I had people telling me they’d seen my tip. So just to let you know, you have a nice fan base here in this remote northern Ontario town. I love Best Health and now subscribe so I won’t miss an issue!
Kristen Pellow, Chapleau, Ont.
Just wanted to say how much I liked the Summer issue of Best Health. As usual, I’ve read almost every article. I’m planning to try some of the ‘feel good’ options in ‘Happy Summer Feet‘ (page 52). And I’m definitely making one of the Quick Fix recipes (page 106): Minty Halibut Kebabs. Thanks!
Eleni Brunell, Ottawa
In regard to ‘Honey, I Shrank the Grocery Bill!‘ (May, page 102), here’s another tip: The more ‘prepared’ a food is, the more likely it is to be taxed. At least, that’s what I’ve found in Ontario. For example, meals prepared at the deli counter are taxable. Many people may not realize they are paying tax on certain foods. Look for the ‘tx’ on the product information card on the grocery shelf.
Shirley McIntyre, Haliburton, Ont.
I was pleased to see a new magazine dedicated to Canadian women. However, I was disappointed with the article about bike maintenance (‘The Mighty Bicycle,’ May, page 19) as it didn’t explain exactly how to
do these repairs. How about a story with some repair tips and tricks? See you on the trails!
Mandi Clark, Burlington, Ont.
Editor’s note: We hear you! Watch for an article in the spring with more on bike maintenance.
When I’m reading an issue of Best Health, I use a yellow highlighter and sticky tags to mark new information and reference materials I want to refer back to. It’s a truly stellar magazine.
Kerri McLaughlin-Phillips, Edmonton
Love your magazine; it’s so informative. I read the whole issue as soon as it comes in, and then pass my copy along to friends.
Louise Heard, Port Colborne, Ont.
With Best Health, I particularly like the fitness sections, as I lead a walking/floorwork class for women and am always looking for new exercises.
Pam Gaul, Lawrencetown, N.S.
I’ve bought a subscription to Best Health and have just received my second copy. I love the Canadian content and all the great articles and tips. Keep up the great work; women need more than fashion mags!
Susan Barr, Embrun, Ont.
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