News: Sleep deprivation can make you deviant
Sleep and I have a troubled relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I love sleep and I always will. But sometimes,

Sleep and I have a troubled relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I love sleep and I always will. But sometimes, I turn out the lights, lie down in bed, even close my eyes’and sleep stands me up. It’s frustrating, exhausting and frankly, it’s rude. And according to a report in the Washington Post, sleep’s unexplained absence might bemaking me unethical.
A study done by business school professors and published in the Academy of Management Journal that looked at the behaviour sleep-deprived students and nurses found that those who lacked sufficient shut-eye increased bad behaviour such as rudeness, inappropriate responses and even stealing.
Anyone who has pulled an all-nighter can understand why sleep deprivation can lead to poor performance on the job. But why would it turn a someone into a jerk? The study’s authors suggest that lack of sleep results in lower functioning of the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that controls how you inhibit emotion and behaviour, the Post reports.
So don’t blame me if your chocolate bar mysteriously ends up in my purse because sleep (or lack there of) made me do it. Ha! I kid, of course (maybe). But while stealing may seem quite extreme for most, I’m sure you can admit that skipping a good night’s rest can make you just a wee bit snippy. And cranky. And impatient. Yet another reason to improve my rocky relationship with sleep. Any tips?
‘ 6 ways to improve your sleep hygiene
‘ How sleep affects your health
‘ 10 reasons you feel so tired