News: China shows diabetes risk linked to lifestyle
Which country do you think has the world’s biggest diabetes epidemic? If you asked me that question yesterday, I would

Which country do you think has the world’s biggest diabetes epidemic? If you asked me that question yesterday, I would have naively said is was a western country, like the U.S. or England. However, a new study shows that the answer is China. According to survey results published in the New England Journal of Medicine, one in 10 Chinese people has diabetes. That surpasses rates in Germany and Canada, and nearly equals the percentage of people who have the disease in the U.S., reports the Associated Press. The study also shows that, with 92 million people suffering from the disease, China now has the highest number of diabetes cases in the world.
The suspected reason for the epidemic: Chinese people are leading a more ‘western’ lifestyle. As China’s economy booms, people there are starting to live more sedentary lifestyles, just like we do in the west. They’re eating more processed foods and they’re driving more’ China surpassed the U.S. in car sales last year. People in China are also reportedly working more. Here’s what a Chinese cardiovascular surgeon told the Associate Press:
"Whereas 20 years ago, people took naps during the work week, people are now faced with the stress of making more money to support a family and a buy a house."
This study really hammers home the fact that lifestyle plays a huge role when it comes to developing type 2 diabetes. I’d love to know your thoughts on this subject. What lifestyle changes can you make to protect yourself against this disease?
‘ 5 ways to prevent type 2 diabetes
‘ 3 signs you might have diabetes
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