New & Now: Canada limits caffeine in energy drinks
Want to know what happened in health headlines this week? Get all the hottest health and healthy-living news from around

Want to know what happened in health headlines this week? Get all the hottest health and healthy-living news from around the web. Check back every Friday to find out what we’ve been buzzing about here at Best Health.
Ottawa will cap caffeine in energy drinks
Health Canada has moved to put energy drinks in the ‘food’ category, complete with nutrition labels. The new rules require the maximum amount of caffeine per drink be under 180 milligrams, which Red Bull and Monster already meet. But, the new rules fall short of Health Canada experts’ recommendations to treat these drinks as a drug. | Yahoo Canda
France says ‘non’ to ketchup in schools
French school children are soon going to miss their ketchup fix. Officials say ketchup’s high-fructose sugar content is behind the decision to ban it, but some feel the real reason behind the move is cultural. | The Globe and Mail
New diabetes/cholesterol combo pill approved
There’s a new pill on the market that treats type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol in people with both, and it’s the first of its kind. The FDA just approved Merck’s Juvisync drug in the US. | Reuters
Pancreatic cancer is declining, but still deadly
This week Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and Canadian-born Nobel Prize winner Ralph Steinam both died after long battles with pancreatic cancer. This type of cancer is declining but it’s still deadly, since the pancreas is as vital as the heart. Of the 4,100 estimated diagnoses in Canada this year, stats show 3,800 of those people will die. | Sympatico Health & Fitness
– Marlene Rego, Web Editor,
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