My healthy life: Gina Haverstock
Vintner Gina Haverstock, producer of several award-winning wines, picks a fit lifestyle

Source: Best Health Magazine, Summer 2009; photo: Select Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture
When Gina Haverstock, now 31, imagined her future, she saw a stethoscope, not a corkscrew. Haverstock, from Port Hawkesbury, N.S., was studying for her medical school entrance exams when’at a winery summer job’she learned she has acute senses of taste and smell. Her boss, vintner Hans Christian Jost, has since declared her taste buds among the best he’s come across. With his encouragement, she embarked on viticulture studies instead. In 2006, Jost hired her back as winemaker at Gaspereau Vineyards, near Wolfville, N.S. Here is Haverstock’s take on healthy living:
Stress less
‘My first season as winemaker, I worried about the weather, the grapes, every decision I made. But worrying doesn’t help. Dealing with what’s in front of you does.’
Make adversity a plus
‘I trained for my first half-marathon last winter, running through snow and ice. As the distances got longer, the weather got better.”
Find balance
‘During the icewine festival, it felt like I was eating gourmet dinners every evening. And I grew up in a family where you clean your plate! My strategy: Eat lighter for lunch or go for a longer run.’
Mix it up
‘One of the fun things about working for a small winery is the variety. One day I’m in steel-toed boots in the cellar; the next day, high heels doing a wine talk.’
Build in exercise
‘In summer, I try to ride my bike to work’it’s three to 10 kilometres, depending on my route. Also, with red wine we use a long paddle to ‘punch’ the seeds and skins under the surface of the juice. You really work up a sweat!’
Delicious pair-ups
‘Try mussels steamed in muscat with peppercorns, garlic and onions. And rosé goes well with barbecued salmon or portobello mushrooms.’
This article was originally titled "My Healthy Life," in the Summer 2009 issue of Best Health. Subscribe today and never miss an issue!