Headache or migraine?
If you experience any type of recurring headache, it is important to contact your doctor to investigate the cause. Keep a diary of the time and events around your headache to help with the diagnosis.
Read on to find out if you’re suffering from a tension headache, cluster headache or migraine.

Tension headache
Description: Dull pressure or tightness
Location: Any side of head
Duration: 30 minutes to a week
Frequency: Infrequent
Other symptoms: Tenderness of the scalp, neck, shoulders; occasionally, loss of appetite

Cluster headache
Description: Sharp, piercing, severe pain developing rapidly in a cyclical or “cluster”
Location: One side, usually around or behind the eye
Duration: 15 minutes to three hours
Frequency: One or more daily during “cluster periods”
Other symptoms: Nasal congestion, runny nose, tearing, red eyes, sensitivity to light

Migraine without aura
Description: Moderate to severe throbbing, aggravated by routine physical activity
Location: One or both sides of the head
Duration: Four to 72 hours
Frequency: Recurrent, with widely variable frequency
Other symptoms: Nausea and/or vomiting; sensitivity to light and sound. May be preceded by sleepiness, irritability, depression or food cravings

Migraine with aura
Description: Moderate to severe throbbing with aura
Location: One or both sides of the head
Duration: Four to 72 hours
Frequency: Recurrent, with widely variable frequency
Other symptoms: Bright flashing lights or a blind spot 10 to 30 minutes beforehand. For some, includes confusion, numbness in extremities, nausea and difficulty with speech
• How to control migraines
• 6 ways physiotherapy can relieve aches and pains
• All you need to know about migraines