Lose weight in 6 weeks
Ditch those last 10 pounds or kick-start a loftier weight-loss goal and get toned this year with our plan, designed exclusively for Best Health by Vancouver personal trainer Colin Westerman, owner of F.I.T. by Colin Personal Training. (As always, check with your doctor before starting a workout plan.)
This program’s Calorie Burn Circuits can burn between 200 and 370 calories. (*Calories burned are an approximate value based on a 150-lb. woman.) Remember that one pound equals 3,500 calories, so you’ll need to burn or eliminate 500 calories a day to lose one pound in a week-or just over 580 calories a day to lose 10 pounds in six weeks. Pair this workout with our healthy Weight-Loss Meal Plan-we’ve done all the calorie counts for you-to help you reach your goal.
These exercises are designed to amp up the burn and give you better results as the weeks go by. The winning formula: interval training, meaning you pick up the pace for short bouts, then recover. You zap away more calories in one workout this way than doing the same moves at a longer, more leisurely pace. “Interval training burns a lot of calories because you’re really challenging yourself,” says Westerman. “It’s extremely efficient.”
Remember, the key to losing weight is getting through the first couple of weeks. “This is the time when you’re developing the habit of exercise as part of your lifestyle,” says Westerman.
Get ready for a healthier, slimmer, more toned body.

How it works
The Calorie Burn Circuit alternates intervals of strength and cardio exercises with recovery time. By the end of each strength and cardio interval, you should feel almost breathless and as if you challenged yourself. After each recovery interval, you should have the energy to work hard again.
What to expect: The program kicks off with three workouts per week and progresses to six as you get fitter.
Equipment: You’ll need one set of five- to 10-pound dumbbells (start with five pounds if you are new to working out) and a towel or mat. You can time intervals with a clock that counts seconds or an interval-training mobile app, such as Tabata Pro for iPhone/iPad and Android ($3).
Warm up: Before every circuit, warm up with one minute of each of these movements, for three minutes total: 1) brisk walking or marching in place; 2) gentle jumping jacks or low-impact side taps; and 3) squats.
Cool down and stretch: Cool down by walking slowly around the room or marching lightly in place for two or three minutes post-workout to catch your breath. Finish off by stretching all major muscles.

Weight-loss workout plan: Week 1
• Do this Calorie Burn Circuit on three non-consecutive days this week.
Time: about 25 minutes including warm-up and cool-down
Calories burned: approximately 200*
Warm up, then do the circuit three times total. For each exercise, do as many as you can in the time allotted.
Strength: Push-ups (30 seconds). Do as many as you can on your toes before modifying to bent knees if needed.
Cardio: Jumping jacks (30 seconds). (Low-impact option: Alternate stepping right and left leg out as you reach arms overhead.)
Recovery: March (1 minute).
Strength: Squats (30 seconds). With feet hip-width apart, arms straight out in front of you and spine straight, bend legs as if sitting down. Keep knees in line with ankles as you squat. Return to standing.
Cardio: Jumping jacks (30 seconds).
Recovery: Gentle marching (1 minute).
Strength: Alternating split-stance bent-over rows (30 seconds). With a dumbbell in each hand, step left foot forward, bending both legs slightly. Lean forward from waist, abs tight and spine straight, palms facing in. Bend right arm, bringing dumbbell to waist. Lower and repeat on left side, alternating arms. After 15 seconds, switch legs so right foot is forward.
Cardio: Jumping jacks (30 seconds).
Recovery: March (1 minute).
Do circuit three times, then cool down and stretch.
Tip: For each cardio exercise, you can modify the high-impact version with our low-impact option.

Weight-loss workout plan: Week 2
• Do this Calorie Burn Circuit on four non-consecutive days this week.
Time: about 30 minutes including warm-up and cool-down
Calories burned: approximately 250*
Warm up, then do the circuit four times total. For each exercise, do as many as you can in the time allotted.
Strength: Push-ups (30 seconds). Do as many as you can on your toes before modifying to bent knees if needed.
Cardio: Frog jumps (30 seconds). From a squat position with abs tight and weight in your heels, reach hands down toward the floor, between feet. Straighten legs to standing as you jump off the floor, reaching arms overhead. Land with knees slightly bent. (Low-impact option: Lift heels off floor as you stand up from squat, omitting jump.)
Recovery: Moderate marching (1 minute).
Strength: Squats + biceps curls (30 seconds). With one dumbbell in each hand, do a squat with arms straight. As you stand up from the squat, bend your arms and bring hands toward shoulders, keeping elbows close
to body.
Cardio: Frog jumps (30 seconds).
Recovery: Gentle to moderate marching (1 minute).
Strength: Alternating split-stance bent-over rows (30 seconds). See Week 1.
Cardio: Frog jumps (30 seconds).
Recovery: Moderate marching (1 minute).
Do circuit four times, then cool down and stretch.
Tip: It shouldn’t be easy for you to speak in full sentences during intervals.

Weight-loss workout plan: Week 3
• Do this Calorie Burn Circuit on three non-consecutive days this week.
• Do a 40- to 60-minute cardio workout of your choice on one other day.
Time: about 40 minutes including warm-up and cool-down
Calories burned: approximately 300*
Warm up, then do the circuit three times total. For each exercise, do as many as you can in the time allotted.
Strength: Push-ups (45 seconds). Do as many as you can on your toes before modifying to bent knees if needed.
Cardio: Lunge jumps (45 seconds). See diagram above. With left leg forward, do a reverse lunge, stepping right leg behind you with heel up. At the same time, stretch left arm back and right arm forward, elbows bent. Then, switching arms, bring right leg forward into a knee lift as you jump up slightly on left foot. (Low-impact option: Omit jump.)
Recovery: Moderate marching (1 minute).
Strength: Squats + biceps curls (45 seconds). See Week 2.
Cardio: Lunge jumps with right leg forward (45 seconds).
Recovery: Moderate marching (1 minute).
Strength: Alternating split-stance bent-over rows (45 seconds). See Week 1. For more of a challenge, try balancing on one leg as you row, switching legs halfway through interval.
Cardio: Lunge jumps with left leg forward (45 seconds).
Recovery: Moderate marching (1 minute).
Strength: Plank + chest touches (45 seconds). Get into a plank with arms straight and hands on floor. Legs can be straight with toes on floor, or bent with knees on floor. Keep abs tight. Raise right hand, bending arm, and gently touch the left side of your chest near the shoulder. Return hand to floor; repeat with left arm.
Cardio: Lunge jumps with right leg forward (45 seconds).
Recovery: Gentle to moderate marching (1 minute).
Do circuit three times, then cool down and stretch.
Tip: Strength exercises that combine upper and lower body moves boost calorie burn.

Weight-loss workout plan: Week 4
• Do this Calorie Burn Circuit on three non-consecutive days this week.
• Do a 40- to 60-minute cardio workout of your choice on two other days.
Time: about 45 minutes including warm-up and cool-down
Calories burned: approximately 350*
Warm up, then do the circuit four times total. For each exercise, do as many as you can in the time allotted.
Strength: Lunges with left leg forward + overhead presses (45 seconds). Holding dumbbells just above your shoulders, palms facing forward, stand with feet hip-width apart. Step right foot behind you, balancing on the ball of right foot, right heel off floor. Lower back knee toward floor until both legs are bent to 90 degrees. Keep as much body weight as possible on the front foot. Straighten both legs, straightening arms overhead.
Cardio: High-knee jogging in place (45 seconds). (Low-impact option: March in place, lifting knees only to hip height.)
Recovery: Moderate marching (45 seconds).
Strength: Lunges with right leg forward + overhead presses (45 seconds).
Cardio: High-knee jogging in place (45 seconds).
Recovery: Moderate marching (45 seconds).
Strength: Back extension + leg squeeze (45 seconds). Lying face down, bend arms with hands flat on floor beside shoulders. Squeeze knees and ankles together and lift chest off floor, pressing elbows toward each other behind your back, hands up off floor. Hold for 15 seconds and release.
Cardio: High-knee jogging in place (45 seconds).
Recovery: Moderate marching (45 seconds).
Strength: Plank + chest touches (45 seconds). See Week 3.
Cardio: Jog/run in place (45 seconds).
Recovery: Moderate marching (45 seconds).
Do circuit four times, then cool down and stretch.
Tip: This week’s circuit amps up intensity with slightly shorter recovery times.

Weight-loss workout plan: Week 5
• Do this Calorie Burn Circuit on three non-consecutive days this week.
• Do a 60-minute cardio workout of your choice on two other days.
Time: about 40 minutes including warm-up and cool-down
Calories burned: approximately 350*
Warm up, then do the circuit three times total. For each exercise, do as many as you can for the time allotted.
Strength: Lunges with left leg forward + overhead presses (1 minute). See Week 4.
Cardio: Squat jacks (1 minute). Jump feet out wider than hip-width apart, bending legs into a half-squat. Arms are out in front of you, elbows bent. Jump up and bring feet back together, straightening legs. (Low-impact option: Squat out to the right with a wide stance; bring feet together; squat out to the left.)
Recovery: Moderate marching (45 seconds).
Strength: Lunges with right leg forward + overhead presses (1 minute). See Week 4.
Cardio: Squat jacks (1 minute).
Recovery: Moderate marching (45 seconds).
Strength: Back extension + leg squeeze (1 minute). See Week 4.
Cardio: Squat jacks (1 minute).
Recovery: Moderate marching (45 seconds).
Strength: Push-ups (1 minute). Do as many as you can on your toes before modifying to bent knees if needed.
Cardio: Squat jacks (1 minute).
Recovery: Moderate marching (45 seconds).
Do circuit three times, then cool down and stretch.
Tip: Longer intensity intervals and shorter recovery intervals really crank up calorie burn.

Weight-loss workout plan: Week 6
• Do this Calorie Burn Circuit on three non-consecutive days this week.
• Do a 60-minute cardio workout of your choice on two other days.
• Add a moderately paced brisk walk or a 20- to 30-minute jog on one other day.
Time: 50 minutes including warm-up and cool-down
Calories burned: approximately 370*
Warm up, then do the circuit four times total. For each exercise, do as many as you can in the time allotted.
Strength: Push-ups + chest touches (1 minute). Add a chest touch (see Week 3) between each push-up, alternating arms. Do as many as you can on your toes before modifying to bent knees if needed.
Cardio: Speed skaters (1 minute). Hop with right foot to your right side, then step your left toe so it’s behind your right foot. Repeat toward left. As you “skate,” pump bent arms back and forth for power. (Low-impact option: Step instead of hop.)
Recovery: Moderate marching (30 seconds).
Strength: Squats + biceps curls (1 minute). See Week 2.
Cardio: Speed skaters (1 minute).
Recovery: Moderate marching (30 seconds).
Strength: Burpees (1 minute). From standing, bend knees, bringing hands to floor in front of feet. Step or jump both feet back to a plank. Hold for three seconds, then walk feet back up to a squat, and stand or jump up.
Cardio: Speed skaters (1 minute).
Recovery: Moderate marching (30 seconds).
Strength: Split-stance bent-over rows (1 minute). See Week 1. Instead of alternating arms, bring both up at the same time.
Cardio: Speed skaters (1 minute).
Recovery: Moderate marching (30 seconds).
Do circuit four times, then cool down and stretch.
Tip: Recovery intervals are shorter this week. Extend them if you need time to catch your breath.