Your tolerance has increased
Needing more and more of the activity to achieve its initial effects. That runner’s high? You may not feel it like you used to.

You experience withdrawal
Increased agitation, fatigue (These all-natural home remedies will help boost your energy.), and tension when not exercising.

The “intention effect”
Exercising for longer than intended on most trips to the gym. You always do more (10 lbs! 20 lbs! 100 reps!) and stay longer than you intended to.
Read about how one woman came to terms with her exercise addiction.

Lack of control
You have difficulty scaling back the duration and intensity of exercise.
Don’t miss these subtle signs you could be a hypochondriac.

Continuous exercise despite physical injuries
Despite being injured, you continue to exercise through the pain or you will pick up another activity so you can still get the physical activity done.

“Time spent” is out of control
Funnelling exorbitant chunks of your day and night towards fitness-related activities. Exercise is taking over every waking moment of your life.

Reduction of other pursuits
Avoidance of social engagements that don’t involve exercise, cancelling plans, or showing up late for work in order to exercise longer.
But in some cases, exercise might just be the prescription for good health that you’re looking for.