44 Health Mistakes People Make Every Day

From the way you sit to how you use your phone, there are little things you do each day that can impact your health.

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young man using phone and laptop at a desk
Milan Ilic Photographer/Shutterstock

Not taking a stand

Plenty of studies show the health damage that sitting can do to your body. “Sitting all day at your desk or in front of your TV not only ruins your posture but can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease,” says Robert Segal, MD, cofounder of LabFinder.com. “A way to prevent this is by simply spending some time active during your day, even if you just go for a short walk during lunch or after work.” In you’re working, you can also take calls standing up.

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sausages on a grill

Firing up the grill

Grilling may be a low-cal way to cook your food, but there’s a downside. “Grilling is a wonderful way to add flavour to foods, but the blackened, charred pieces may contain cancer-promoting compounds called heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic amines,” says Mary Mosquera Cochran, RD, at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. With a few simple tweaks, you can keep carcinogen production to a minimum. Limit grill time by defrosting meat first. Consider making kebabs instead of large pieces of meat to reduce cooking time. Trim away visible fat to prevent fat from dripping onto hot coals and creating smoke. Use a marinade that contains vinegar or lemon juice. And flip grilled meat often to prevent dripping juices. (Psst: These other grilling mistakes can hurt your health.)

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to-do list next to coffee cup and laptop

Keeping a full to-do list

“To lead a long and healthy life, you need to give yourself time to de-stress every day,” says Kristin Dean, MD, assistant medical director at Doctor on Demand. “Cortisol levels increase with chronic stress, which can lead to many different health issues, including weight gain, heart disease, anxiety, depression, concentration issues, and digestive problems. Next time you feel like you need a breather, stop and take the time out for both yourself and your loved ones.”

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Woman adding sugar in coffee

Sipping artificial sweeteners

Diet sodas are under fire, since studies have linked regular diet-soda drinking to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack, as well as an appetite for sweet things, among other things. Instead, swap out the diet soda with seltzer, water with a twist of lime or berries, or iced tea with a touch of honey.

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Netflix on laptop screen

Binge-watching into the wee hours

Those late nights catching up with your favourite shows can exacerbate insomnia because exposure to the blue light of the screen can disrupt your body’s circadian rhythms. Instead, indulge in a few pre-bedtime activities that can help you sleep, such as reading or listening to soothing apps.

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man holding toothbrush and toothpaste
LightField Studios/Shutterstock

Brushing right after you eat

Dentists’ advice used to be to brush right after eating to reduce the food acids that could eat away at your tooth enamel. But it turns out, brushing right after you eat could actually damage the protective layer of your teeth—especially if you’ve eaten something acidic like citrus juice or coffee. Instead, rinse with water and wait about 40 minutes.

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White headphones and smart phone on wooden table

Turning it up to 11

Blasting your favourite tunes could help you focus—but you could be paying a significant price for logging time with your headphones. Exposure to sounds greater than 90 decibels for more than eight hours a day could result in permanent hearing damage. (Here are some other things that can ruin your hearing.)

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feet sticking out from under comforter in bed
Image: Shutterstock

Not logging enough sleep time

Everyone knows we should get six to eight hours of sleep every night. But the Government of Canada found that nearly a third of Canadians sleep fewer than seven hours each night. People who regularly skip sleep may have an increased risk of depression, cancer, memory loss, and heart disease. And other studies show that lack of sleep can be a contributing factor in weight gain. Aim to get at least seven to eight hours each night.

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father and son flossing teeth
Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Skipping the floss

Not flossing when you brush will affect more than your smile. Several studies have found that gum disease is connected to heart disease. Fortunately, the solution is easy: Just break out the floss every single day.

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man sleeping in bed while holding his cellphone

Keeping your smartphone by the bed

Getting cozy with your cellphone while you try to snooze could cause serious issues with your sleep patterns. The light from the screen could increase your risk of insomnia (although the jury is still out on whether blue light specifically is to blame), while beeps or vibrations from middle-of-the-night notifications could jar you as you try to fall asleep—or even wake you up in the middle of the night. Consider letting your phone stay outside of your bedroom when you’re resting.

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pitcher and glass of water

Skimping on water

Humans are 60 percent water—and so you need to keep replenishing your supply. “This is a no-brainer,” Dr. Segal says. “Dehydration can result in fatigue, headache, constipation, dizziness, heart palpitations, and the list goes on. This can not only affect your physical health but your mental health as well. Sometimes when you’re hungry, you’re actually thirsty—so try to keep a bottle of water you can refill nearby.”

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woman inserting contact lenses
ESB Basic/Shutterstock

Wearing your contact lenses when you sleep

“Don’t nap or sleep in contact lenses,” says Stephanie Pisano, OD, clinical assistant professor of optometry at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “Contact lenses are basically sponges that can hold a lot of bacteria and other debris against the eyes. When you sleep in contact lenses, you’re preventing the movement of tears, which helps eliminate some of the bacteria.” Catching a few z’s in your contacts also prevents oxygen from getting to the cornea, she says. (Avoid these other contact lens mistakes.)

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woman holding glass jar of cookies
Syda Productions/Shutterstock

Stress eating

If you handle stress by sneaking sweets or junk food, you’re not alone—but continually eating high-fat, high-sugar foods can lead to obesity and heart issues. The better choice: Try meditation, exercise, or talking things through with friends to manage stress.

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Runner listening to music while jogging on sidewalk
Martin Novak/Shutterstock

Focusing only on cardio

Cardio can help you burn calories and promote heart health, but make sure you leave room for strength training in your workout repertoire, too. Strength training can help you improve your bone health, increase your resting metabolism (so you can burn more calories, even when you’re just chilling on the couch), and boost your energy levels.

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supplements and bowl of green powder
Iryna Imago/Shutterstock

Relying on supplements to treat your ailments

There can be a place in your healthy lifestyle for using supplements and natural treatments for illnesses—but be careful not to take it too far. “A common health mistake patients make is taking fish oil dietary supplements instead of a prescription to treat serious medical conditions, such as when they are diagnosed with high triglycerides—an indicator of cardiovascular risk,” says Preston Mason, PhD, a faculty member in the Cardiovascular Division of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston. “I’ve found that fish oil supplements are often rancid and contain other ingredients such as saturated fats, which can raise bad cholesterol (LDL). People may actually be harming themselves when they think they are helping fight heart disease.” Remember to always speak with your doctor before taking supplements

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Raw fish and vegetables and grains

Not getting enough protein

While high-protein fad diets like keto help boost protein intake, many people aren’t getting enough in their diet. “More than one in three adults over 50 still aren’t getting the protein they need daily, according to new National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data from researchers at Abbott and the Ohio State University,” says Abby Sauer, MPH, a registered dietitian at Abbott. “Getting the right amount of protein is critical to help adults maintain their strength and energy.”

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sunscreen, hat and glasses

Being stingy with sunscreen

If you only smear on sun protection when you’re hitting the beach, you’re exposing yourself daily to skin-damaging UVA and UVB rays that could lead to premature aging, wrinkling, and skin cancer. If you’re already applying other products daily, look for combination products that include sunscreen to help protect your skin. Also, don’t forget to apply sunscreen to these body parts.

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Tibetan milk mushroom
Marcel Jancovic/Shutterstock

Being too pro probiotics

Taking probiotics has been touted as an immunity and digestion booster. But before you start downing them, check out the results of a study that suggests that extensive use of probiotics was possibly linked to brain fog and bloating.

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young man doing stretches
Josep Suria/Shutterstock

Going into your workout cold

Skipping your warm-up doesn’t give your muscles and joints time to get ready to work hard. Make sure you add in some dynamic stretches and a little cardio warm-up to reduce the risk of injury and get the most from your workout. Plus, here are some essential cool-down stretches to try.

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Salt shaker filled with salt
Rufiyana Nikitushkina/Shutterstock

Keeping the saltshaker busy

“We all like a little spice in our life, but too much salt can cause our electrolyte levels to increase an unhealthy amount,” Dr. Segal says. “This can affect the distribution of water throughout your body, cause high blood pressure, increase the risk of [type 2] diabetes, and cause you to eat and sweat excessively.” A simple way to test your sodium intake is by getting a sodium (Na+) blood test to check if your levels are too high, he adds.

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egg in skillet
Oksana Mizina/Shutterstock

Skipping breakfast

That old saying about breakfast being the most important meal of the day is true. It turns out that you might be able to reduce the odds of a heart attack, stroke, and other types of cardiovascular disease simply by enjoying a morning meal, according to the American Heart Association. It also can improve both your physical stamina and your ability to focus and concentrate—so grab a couple of eggs or a fruit and avocado parfait before you head out the door.

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woman washing her face

Overzealous exfoliating

Scrubbing your skin can help remove dead skin cells and dirt that can clog your pores—but going too far with it can cause redness and irritation. So go easy with exfoliation brushes and products, and be cautious when using products that contain nut shells and other abrasive ingredients. (Plus, you might want to avoid these nighttime habits that can damage your skin.)

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Cars in the parking lot in row

Searching for the best parking spot

“Unless there is major time pressure, park further away to allow more walking and exercise in the everyday things you do,” says Andrew Freeman, MD, a cardiologist at National Jewish Health in Denver. As part of your work routine, try to avoid taking the easy way out and look for other ways to move, like walking to a colleague’s office instead of calling or emailing. “Also, consider the stairs instead of the elevators whenever possible,” Dr. Freeman adds.

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Modern white stairs with wooden handrail

Going too big when you’re making goals

Whether you’re making a resolution or setting a new goal for your life, it’s better to start small. Break a big goal down into small, doable baby steps that you can change one at a time over a more extended period. You’re far more likely to be successful that way.

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Bathroom sign
Sergio Foto/Shutterstock

Waiting too long to hit the bathroom

When you’ve got to go—go. “Don’t ignore the urge to go to the bathroom,” says Olivia Vaughn, a registered dietitian at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “Repeatedly postponing bathroom trips can affect a normal nerve reflex that helps you pass stool easily and can lead to constipation problems.” (Learn about the other bathroom mistakes you didn’t even realize you were making.)

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makeup bag with lipstick and other products
Becky Starsmore/Shutterstock

Sleeping in your makeup

Take the time to wash your face at night. Keeping your makeup on when you go to bed does more than stain your pillowcase—it can prevent dead skin from sloughing off, dulling your complexion, clogging your pores, and causing breakouts. Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to keep your face clean, thanks to makeup-removal wipes and other fast-to-use products. So make sure you take all that makeup off before you hit the pillow. (Keep in mind, these other makeup mistakes can age your face.)

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Google on a laptop
Denys Prykhodov/Shutterstock

Self-diagnosing with the internet

While it can be helpful to look up your symptoms online—or get more information about a diagnosis—relying on the internet could lead to unnecessary panic (like believing your headache is actually brain cancer). It could also lead you to ignore a potentially serious issue. It’s best to stick with trusted sites associated with authoritative health institutions—or make an appointment with a real-life doctor.

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young woman taking a shower
Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Taking hot showers

Hot showers can help release muscle aches and pains, but they definitely do a number on your skin, robbing you of essential moisture and healthy oils. Especially in the winter months, hot showers can lead to dry and cracked skin and make skin conditions like eczema worse. The solution? Keep your shower water on the lukewarm side.

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A woman using a phone in bed

Staying glued to your smartphone

A serious cell phone addiction could trigger text neck—when you spend too long hunched over your phone—and even raise your risk of serious injury if you text and walk or drive. The simple solution: Put down your phone often.

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alarm clock in the morning
eggeeggjiew/Getty Images

Hitting the snooze button every morning

If you’re a snooze-button addict, those extra 20 minutes of snooze are fragmenting your sleep. That reduces the quality of your rest and has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and brain fuzziness. Instead, aim for a better night’s sleep overall, and just set your alarm once—for the time you absolutely have to wake up.

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doctor and patient talking
Maskot/Getty Images

Keeping secrets from your doctor

“Many people are worried about telling their doctor that they have stopped taking a medication due to side effects, that they forget to take their medication on a daily basis, or that they just can’t seem to stick to the diet the doctor recommended,” Dr. Dean says. “This leads your doctor to make decisions which are based on the wrong information and can be dangerous to your health. Just remember that your doctor is on your side, and having an open relationship with your doctor will lead to better decisions and better health in the long run.”

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ice cream in cones melting on counter

Overdosing on sugar

If you have a sweet tooth, take note. Both the artificial and the natural versions of sweeteners have been linked to serious health repercussions, including a greater risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Try to consume less than the maximum amount of sugar you should eat per day, as recommended by the Heart and Stoke Foundation of Canada: 12 teaspoons. (Here’s some easy food swaps to reduce your sugar intake.)

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woman drinking wine at home
martin-dm/Getty Images

Skipping happy hour

Whether it’s chatting on the phone or hanging out in book club, try not to pass up the opportunity to build bonds with friends. People who have strong social ties have a 50 percent higher chance of living longer than those who aren’t as social, according to a study published in the journal PLoS Medicine. And attending social events—even happy hour—doesn’t mean you have to drink alcohol, if that’s not your thing.

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Woman squeeze pimples in the bathroom

Picking at your skin

It can be so tempting to pop pimples, but picking at zits and other blemishes can worsen your complexion. Squeezing pimples can push bacteria and dirt further into your skin and prolong your healing time. Instead, use warm compresses to ease inflammation, and benzoyl peroxide to dry out pimples.

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white pills in bottle
Ivan Svyatkovsky/Shutterstock

Overdoing the pain relievers

More isn’t necessarily better when it comes to pain relievers—taking more than the recommended dose (or taking doses too close together) puts you at risk of complications, including liver damage. Be sure to follow the prescription or over-the-counter drug instructions to the letter.

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bottles of multivitamins

Taking a multivitamin

Multivitamins seem like a good idea—a sort of just-in-case insurance to fill in the gaps when you don’t eat right. But research from Johns Hopkins University indicates that most vitamin supplements offer zero health benefits unless you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant and taking folic acid—which is proven to reduce the risk of birth defects. So save your dough and splurge on healthier foods to serve as an all-natural vitamin supplement.

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man stretching by holding his arm

Skimping on stretching

Flexibility is just as important as strength and stamina when it comes to your physical health—and adding flexibility exercises to your routine can help you reduce the risk of injuries and improve your balance. Add these stretches to the end of your workout routine to help you cool down.

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Chocolate chips cookies in plastic wrap packaging.
Teerasak Ladnongkhun/Shutterstock

Eating a lot of convenience food

There are plenty of good reasons to cut back on processed foods. Generally, they’re loaded with sodium and sugar and low in nutrients. They’re crafted to entice you to overeat, and they may increase your risk of health issues. So swap them for healthier foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole-grain carbs.

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woman vaping, smoking e-cigarettes

Swapping one vice for another

E-cigarettes may seem like the perfect way to step down from smoking real cigarettes, but experts say they can make it too easy to go back to your old habits. “One of the big mistakes people make is using e-cigs to quit smoking cigarettes,” says Peter Shields, MD, deputy director and thoracic medical oncologist at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. “Then they go back to cigarettes, rather than long-term e-cig use or ceasing to use all tobacco products.”

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A woman sleeping

Sleeping in on the weekends

After a long week of missing sleep, the weekend seems like a perfect time to catch up. But not so fast. Sleeping in might help you feel a little less drowsy, but it won’t do much in the long term, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Shifting your sleep schedule over the weekend could lead to an increased risk of heart disease, depression, and fatigue.

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pouring milk into glass
Hafiez Razali/Shutterstock

Being a glass-half-empty kind of person

It pays to try to look on the bright side of life. Accentuating the positive is associated with a lower risk of death from cancer, diabetes, stroke, and other common conditions. Fortunately, you can improve your optimistic outlook by keeping a journal of positivity, looking for ways to bring positive changes to your community, and being kinder to yourself. Plus, here are some ways to rid yourself of negative energy.

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food in plastic container in microwave
Ahanov Michael/Shutterstock

Microwaving in plastic

Plastics—especially those containing bisphenol A (BPA)—have been shown to leach chemicals into your food, particularly when they’re heated. And a few initial studies have shown links between BPA exposure and higher blood pressure, weight gain, and brain development in infants and children. So look for BPA-free plastics for microwaving, or move your food over to a glass or porcelain microwave-safe dish.

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frustrated woman in library with stack of books

Striving too hard for perfection

Practise may make perfect, but a study from the Journal of Experimental Psychology says mistakes can really aid with learning. So don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes.

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pouring milk into coffee shot from above
Amy Lockard / EyeEm/Getty Images

Taking cream in your coffee

Is it time to take your coffee black? According to Dr. Freeman, it’s worth a shot. “Dairy products represent a big source of saturated fat and salt in the American diet, and it starts with a splash of cream in the morning coffee, to cheese on your bread at lunch and multiple other servings per day. Try to eat products with less dairy and saturated fat by being more aware of your everyday choices.”

Next, try making a habit of these healthy tricks to boost your brain health.

The Healthy
Originally Published on The Healthy

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