Tree pose variation
Also known as Vrksasana.
In humans, this pose:
• Stretches inner thighs, chest and shoulders
• Strengthens calves, ankles and spine
• Improves sense of balance

Downward-facing dog
Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana.
In humans, this pose:
• Strengthens arms and legs
• Streches shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches and hands
• Improves digestion
• Energizes the body
Half lord of the fishes
Also known as Ardha Matsyendrasana.
In humans, this pose:
• Stretches neck, shoulders and hips
• Energizes spine
• Reduces asthma
• Relieves fatigue and back pain

Half lord of the fishes
Also known as Ardha Matsyendrasana.
In humans, this pose:
• Stretches neck, shoulders and hips
• Energizes spine
• Reduces asthma
• Relieves fatigue and back pain

Plow pose
Also known as Halasana.
In humans, this pose:
• Stretches shoulders and spine
• Relieves stress
• Reduces fatigue

Lord of the dance
Also known as Natarajasana.
In humans, this pose:
• Streches shoulders, chest, abdomen and thighs
• Strengthens legs and ankles
• Improves sense of balance

Yoga dogs and more!
For more of these flexible pups, check out Yoga Dogs, created by professional photographer Daniel Borris. Borris’ creations also include calendars featuring dogs, puppies, cat and kittens doing yoga.
• Yoga for beginners
• How your dog can make you healthier
• 3 soothing yoga moves