Tabata Pro
Set whatever interval times you like. The app beeps and the screen changes colour when it’s time to switch intervals. You can also play your music right through the app.
($2.97, Android; $2.99, Apple) tabatatimer.com

Gymboss 2 Interval Timer
The hand-held device is separate from your phone; both it and the mobile app track intervals and more.
(mobile app, free; hand-held device, US$19.95, Android, Apple) gymboss.com

Endomondo Sports Tracker
Track your run/walk workouts, get routes using GPS, analyze your results and more. The premium version offers interval training.
(free, or $2.99/month for premium version; Android, Apple, BlackBerry, Windows) endomondo.com

This allows you to find or create routes (using GPS) as well as make training plans for doing a 5K, 10K and more.
($4.99, Apple) walkjogrunapp.com
• 4 gadgets to track your fitness
• The top 5 free health apps
• 4 ways to track your running workouts