The hard-core abs workout
This core workout is quick and intense for ultimate tummy toning results

Source: Image: Thinkstock
Tone your tummy in time for summer (and bathing suit season) with this hard-core abdominal workout from fitness expert Amanda Russell.
How it works:
This workout is comprised of four exercises: side plank twists, opposite shoulder touches, plank spider and oblique runners. For the first three exercises, do 10 reps on each side. Do the fourth exercise (oblique runners) for one full minute. Do the full core workout a total of three times.
Light dumbbell (2-5 lbs) or a large water bottle
Amanda Russell is a fitness expert, professional keynote speaker, Olympic-trained athlete, and founder of The AR Program. She can be found writing about life, fitness, wellness and change on her website,, and regularly posts new workout videos at AmandaRussell.TV.
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