Reader letters: January/February 2009
Find out what readers had to say in letters from the January/February issue of Best Health Magazine

Source: Best Health Magazine, January/February 2009
Each issue of Best Health is full of such helpful information. I was particularly interested in “Prostate Health” in your November/December issue (page 88). Like many men, my partner refuses to take preventive measures, and the recent prostate-cancer diagnosis of a family member hasn’t changed his mind. I will use this article’s helpful advice to encourage him to see a doctor. I look forward to your next issue!
Jacqueline Parker, Toronto, Ont.
I’ve never written a letter to the editor before, but I was so impressed by “A New Kind of Hockey Mom” (Nov./Dec., page 95). I love the fact that this woman’s husband wrote the story, and I can relate to it as I started playing hockey at age 43 (yes, 43!) after never even having skated. I’m now 51 and play goalie for a women’s hockey team, alongside my 25-year-old daughter. I love that she gets to experience this team bond.
Gail Fisher, Killarney, Man.
I just received my first issue of Best Health, and really liked “A New Kind of Hockey Mom.” It’s a nice change to see stories about real moms—people like me who deal with the grind of everyday life. I’m recommending this magazine to my friends.
Charlotte Santella, Port Perry, Ont.
I am on the executive committee of the Nurse Practitioners Association of Alberta. We were excited to read “Beyond Nursing” (Nov./Dec., page 68) about the Sudbury NP-led clinic. It confirms to us and to the public that NPs can have a positive effect on the delivery of health care in Canada.
Susanne Pereira, Calgary, Alta.
Thank you for the excellent article “Canada’s Bluest Communities” (October, page 64). It’s refreshing to see some good-news stories, but it’s also tragic that so many of our lakes and rivers are carelessly damaged through mismanagement. Our small community has taken things in hand. I was recently made manager of the project to renaturalize our lake by building up the vegetative perimeter. While there are still pollutant inflows upstream, our efforts are paying off, and we are encouraged that more can be achieved through positive community action.
Murray Esselmont, Hollow Glen, Chelsea, Que.
When I perused the Nov./Dec. issue, I was surprised to see that most of the articles were geared to my interests. Best Health features stuff that women like me want to know about—and buy. Bravo!
Eleanor Dorst, Winnipeg, Man.
I read “I Have a Crazy Idea…” (October, page 124) about women climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, and wanted to share my husband’s recent “MS Climb 2008” to Machu Picchu in Peru. For Paul, it was a labour of love, as I have been living with multiple sclerosis for 15 years. The Inca Trail proved a challenge for many of the 23 climbers. When it got difficult, Paul would think of my daily struggles with MS. “Keep putting one foot in front of the other and we will make it,” they thought—and they all did. Like my husband’s journey, the Kilimanjaro story was truly inspiring!
Laurie Chatigny, Kanata, Ont.
When I first saw Best Health I thought, “I don’t need another magazine,” but I was wrong. I love all the health information, and that some of the stories and people are from the Maritimes.
Tammy Doucet, Church Point, N.S.
I spent an enjoyable Sunday reading through your Nov./Dec. issue and particularly liked the Eat Well section. I think it’s important to cook with local ingredients that are in season. Paul Finkelstein’s recipes sound delicious (“Fink’s Seasonal Feasts,” page 112), and I plan to try one this weekend. I also loved the photos of my favourite vegetable—squash!
Cathy McLeod, Dartmouth, N.S.
The Nov./Dec. issue was the first one I’ve read—great articles! And I loved Fink’s recipe for penne with roasted squash.
Darlene Charette, Mississauga, Ont.
Thank you, Best Health, for such a wonderful magazine. I love the format and the articles that offer common-sense information along with great tips and recipes. I especially liked “Cook Smart to Drop Pounds” (Nov./Dec., page 122). It was filled with easy-to-implement changes.
Sandy Douglas, Camlachie, Ont.
I’ve been awaiting the new Overall Nutritional Quality Index (ONQI), referred to in a past issue. How can I access this ranking system?
Anna Saunders, Cobourg, Ont.
Note: The ONQI rates foods on a scale of one to 100. You can access it at
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