News: World Ovarian Cancer Day spreads awareness
If you’re a woman, you’re at risk for ovarian cancer. May 8, 2013, marks the inaugural World Ovarian Cancer Day.

If you’re a woman, you’re at risk for ovarian cancer.
May 8, 2013, marks the inaugural World Ovarian Cancer Day. How much do you know about ovarian cancer? Here are just a few surprising facts:
‘ Ovarian cancer has the lowest survival rate of all gynecological cancers (largely due to a lack of awareness of symptoms and late stage diagnosis).
‘ According to Ovarian Cancer Canada, approximately 17,000 Canadian women are living with ovarian cancer, and another 2,600 will be diagnosed this year.
Awareness of the early warning signs is crucial. If you regularly experience one or more of the following symptoms, talk to your doctor.
‘ Increase abdominal size/persistent bloating
‘ Difficulty eating/feeling full quickly
‘ Abdominal or pelvic pain
‘ Needing to pass urine more urgently or more frequently
Visit to learn more, and find out how you can help.
‘ Ovarian cancer
‘ The 5 deadliest cancers for women: Ovarian cancer
‘ Should you worry about ovarian cysts?