News: Meditate to beat anxiety and depression
Pregnant women (especially first-timers like me) have a lot to be anxious about. Among the questions I ask myself each

Pregnant women (especially first-timers like me) have a lot to be anxious about. Among the questions I ask myself each day are: Am I eating the right things? Am I keeping my baby healthy? Am I getting enough sleep? Is there enough time to get everything ready before baby is born? Will I be a good mother? Ohmygosh I’m going to be a mother. And the list goes on.
To deal with this anxiety (and all the fun aches and pains that come along with pregnancy) I do prenatal yoga a few times a week. At each class, we start and end with five minutes of mindfulness meditation.
Turns out, that’s exactly what anyone with anxiety or depression should be doing, according to a new study.
Researchers from John Hopkins University found that symptoms of anxiety, depression and pain improved after study participants underwent a training program in mindfulness meditation.
"In our study, meditation appeared to provide as much relief from some anxiety and depression symptoms as what other studies have found from antidepressants," the study’s lead author, Madhav Goyal, said in a press release.
I don’t know if it’s the meditation or the yoga (probably a combination of both) but when I leave each yoga class, I definitely feel like I’m in a better frame of mind.
Have you ever tried meditation? Did it help you relax? Here’s how to get started with mediation if you’ve never tried!
-Katharine Watts, associate web editor
‘ Meditation made easy: How to get started
‘ The health benefits of meditation
‘ Yoga meditation: A beginner’s guide