News: Genetic similarities found between two different types of cancer
New research, published online in the journal Nature, has found basal-like breast tumours (one of the most deadly subtypes of

New research, published online in the journal Nature, has found basal-like breast tumours (one of the most deadly subtypes of breast cancer) and ovarian tumours to have similar genetic origins. This is reportedly the most comprehensive analysis of breast cancer to-date.
"With this study, we’re one giant step closer to understanding the genetic origins of the four major subtypes of breast cancer," the study’s co-author, Dr. Michael Ellis said in a press release. "Now, we can investigate which drugs work best for patients based on the genetic profiles of their tumours."
Both basal-like breast cancer and ovarian cancer are aggressive. According to Dr. Ellis, "whether they can be treated the same way is an intriguing possibility that needs to be explored."
Currently, basal-like breast tumours are most often treated like other breast cancers, but additional research done by Dr. Ellis suggests that women with basal-like breast tumours don’t benefit from those drugs.
What do you think about these new findings? Are researchers on the road to finding improved ways to treat the different types of breast cancer?
‘ Breast Cancer
‘ Ovarian Cancer
‘ 10 foods that fight breast cancer