News: Does being bald increase risk of heart disease?
If you hate your receding hairline, a new study might make you deplore it even more. The study, published in

If you hate your receding hairline, a new study might make you deplore it even more.
The study, published in the journal BMJ Open, shows that balding men are 32 percent more likely to get coronary heart disease than men with full-heads of hair.
“We found a significant, though modest, link between baldness, at least on the top of the head, and risk for coronary heart disease,’ Dr Tomohide Yamada of the University of Tokyo told the BBC.
Sadly, there’s not much you can do to control your lack of hair’you can, however, continue with other preventative measures.
As Yamada told the BBC, the link between heart disease and balding is ‘not as strong as many other known links such as smoking, obesity, cholesterol levels and blood pressure.”
So, there you have it: Whether you’re balding or not, kick your cigarette habit and start exercising more if you want to reduce your risk of heart disease.
Are you balding? Are you surprised by the results of this study?
-Katharine Watts, Associate Web Editor
‘ Is this the solution for balding men?
‘ How he can protect himself from heart disease
‘ Men’s heart health guide