News: Cat-allergy vaccine in the works
A friend of mine lives with two adorable cats to whom she is terribly allergic. Anyone who has ever loved

A friend of mine lives with two adorable cats to whom she is terribly allergic. Anyone who has ever loved a feline friend can understand why she puts herself through the constant runny nose and wheezing’she’s hoplessly devoted to her kitties. Bu now she and other allergic cat lovers may be able to live in harmony with their furry pals, thanks to a potential new vaccine for cat allergies. Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton say they have developed a shot that will combat cat-allergy symptoms by using the kitty protein that commonly causes reactions and the blood of 100 allergic people, reports the National Post. The research is being done in conjunction with a U.K. bio-tech company and the findings from the first trials have been published in the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.
According to the Post, 10 percent of Canadians suffer from cat allergies. If you’re inlcuded in this group, would you consider trying this vaccine if it hits the market?
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