News: Brazil’s health minister promotes sexual healing
Here’s some health info we can all get behind: The health minister of Brazil is recommending more sex as a

Here’s some health info we can all get behind: The health minister of Brazil is recommending more sex as a solution to the nation’s problem with high blood pressure, reports the Associated Press. Minister Jose Temporaro included more nookie as a cardio-boosting activity that would help people keep their blood pressure down. Even if you loathe running, dread boot camps and cower at the idea taking a yoga class, surely we can all get excited about exercising in the sack.
While knocking boots (sorry, I’m loving the euphemisms today) isn’t exactly on par with running a marathon, it certainly is a workout: A 150-pound person can burn about 96 calories in 20 minutes. Not only that, sex has been proven to boost your immune system, relieve depression and even unplug your stuffy nose. Check out these links to learn the many ways sex is good for your health:
‘ 10 reasons why sex is good medicine
‘ 7 reasons why sex is good for you