New online: What would you say to your 16-year-old self?
Oh, if we could only go back and firmly shake some sense into our teenage selves! I would tell 16-year-old

Oh, if we could only go back and firmly shake some sense into our teenage selves! I would tell 16-year-old Jenn that it’s, like, so totally not worth it to spill tears over high-school boys. Knowing that would have saved me so much time. I might also might make her watch this poignant video about melanoma, featuring men and women speaking to their 16-year-old selves about this form of skin cancer. The video, produced by the David Cornfield Melanoma Fund, is funny, heartbreaking (16-year-old Jenn was a sucker for anything heartbreaking), and eye opening. Before watching this video, 31-year-old Jenn didn’t know that just one bad sunburn before you turn 18 can double your risk of developing melanoma. Also, it’s news to me that melanoma can show up on your tongue and your eyes.
So now that we’re all eager to get our and bask in the summer sun, take a look at this video and consider how quickly melanoma can become life threatening. And maybe pass this already-viral video on to a teen you love.
If you had a time machine, what would you want to say to your 16-year-old self?
‘ Are all sunscreens safe?
‘ Are Canadians at higher risk for sun cancer?
‘ 10 sunburn-soothing tips