Live-blogging from the vaccination line: Interesting idea or waste of time?
I’ve just learned through trusty Twitter that Globe and Mail reporter Brodie Fenlon will be live-blogging about the experience of

I’ve just learned through trusty Twitter that Globe and Mail reporter Brodie Fenlon will be live-blogging about the experience of taking his kids to get the H1N1 vaccination today in Toronto.
My initial reaction to this idea was, ‘Good grief, how boring!’ But I have to admit that I’m slowly warming to the concept. Wait times are expected to be astronomical at the two Toronto clinics that are now open to members of the public considered to be at high risk, including pregnant women, children six months to five years and people with chronic health conditions. It will be interesting to see if Fenlon can gage public concern about the H1N1 virus from speaking to people waiting hours and hours for the vaccination. Though I expect Fenlon is going to have to get pretty creative to keep both his blog readership and his kids entertained while they wait’if his children are young enough to be in the priority group, it might be worth following the blog just to see how he keeps them from getting fussy.
I’d like to know what you think of this live-blogging idea. Also, have any of you gotten the vaccine yet? How long did you wait?
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