What We Can All Learn From Lea Michele’s #WellnessWednesday
Lea Michele’s Instagram is an incredible source of healthy inspiration. Here are our favourite tips.

#WellnessWednesday with Lea Michele
The former Glee actress isn’t only using her Instagram page to share her selfies, she’s using it to teach her five million followers about the wellness rules she lives by. Lea has been posting wellness tips weekly, and, spoiler alert, they’re super informative. Here are some of our favourite health rules from Lea Michele’s #WellnessWednesday posts.
1. Sleep
It’s no secret that a good night’s sleep is integral to good health. She writes: “Those who know me know that I loooove to sleep! I hate staying up late and nothing makes me happier than a good night’s rest. I believe it is the true and BEST beauty secret.” But how do you wind down? Lea likes to relax with a bath: “It’s the perfect way to decompress and relax your body before bed.” She ups the zen factor by adding magnesium salt, which helps relax your muscles, and lavender essential oil, for extra relaxation. She also loves calming Nighty Night tea, lavender spray on her pillows and to enjoy a good book – especially since she opts to shut her cell off an hour before bed.
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2. Vitamins
Lea says it took her years to figure out the right vitamin regimen for her, and encourages her followers to find the unique combo that works for them. She starts her day with a women’s multivitamin: “It’s the perfect vitamin to start taking every day that packs a punch and gives us girls all the good things we need to stay strong and healthy!” She also takes two turmeric vitamins a day to manage inflammation, saying that she has some trouble with her back and wrist and they’ve been “a lifesaver”.
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3. Travel Recovery
Lea travels a lot, and that takes a toll on your body. Her first step to getting back on track is to head to the grocery store and stock her fridge with a ton of fresh veggies to have on hand for the week. She also takes a probiotic: “Since airplanes wipe out so much of your natural flora it’s important to re-set your gut and replenish your body with good probiotics.” She also hydrates, drinking about 4 L of water a day and dry brushes her skin. “One of my favourite things to do after a lot of traveling. It removes dry skin and promotes circulation.” Her other recovery tips? An Epsom salt bath to relax muscles and digestive tea, which she says gets her digestion going again after flying.