How to choose your dreams

Like the rest of the world, we are watching the Olympics, listening to other people’s dreams and learning about the

Like the rest of the world, we are watching the Olympics, listening to other people’s dreams and learning about the world that we share. I wonder how many people who are watching it will say, "this is my dream too," "this will be my passion" and "this is what my gift to the world will be." Like many people I have never had a big ah! ha! moment of "this is my destiny," I was born to do "this." I keep hoping that someday, as I grow older, I will have the clarity about what I was meant to do or give back to this world. What imprint on the world will I leave that will be special?

When faced with any critical illness, life and death seem so much closer to each other vs. the big wide spaces I used to live in that kept them apart. I have been told I won’t die of breast cancer’nope, I would die because of where the breast cancer cells migrate to (lungs, liver, bones or the chemo that damages your heart). So they give us all the two-week rule: with any ache, pain, bump, bruise, etc., wait two weeks before you panic and call a doctor…and then you calmly go to the doctor, tell them what is happening, and you watch them panic for you.

I have been blessed with such a wonderful support team. They have said… you have to plan to live, make big dreams for yourself, focus forward. So, that is what I am trying to do… focus forward. My plan is to be healthier, calmer, and to love more. You get to this point and you realize no amount of money is going to make you well, and you realize as you watch others go through what you are experiencing that each person’s outcome is different…. you are either going to live or you are going to die, and the doctors can’t tell you which box you fall into. We all live with hope.

This week dear husband and I have reverted to the treadmill in front of the TV for our training runs’this way we can be faux Olympians for few moments. It’s great, the time on the treadmill takes me away. And watching those fit men on TV in their new swimsuits… well, la-dee-da…they just have to remember to keep them "ON" while on national television (too much plumber’s butt!).

Take care,

Jordan is a Best Health reader and guest blogger. Find links to all of her posts on the Breast Cancer Blog home page.