Hands-on care: Even more new gadgets to help your health
In our September issue, we featured new hand-held health technology that’s coming soon. Here are two more devices that are

In our September issue, we featured new hand-held health technology that’s coming soon. Here are two more devices that are changing the way individuals can keep healthy.
Neoji is an all-in-one smart home device. According to a press release, Neoji adapts to what is safe and ordinary in thehome. It has smart sound, movement, presence detection, HD camera and voice recognition system. It learns over time, so if anything is out of the ordinary for your household, it will notify your selected contact person. The device also has air quality sensors that can detect humidity, a gas leak, smoke or other air pollutants, such as carbon monoxide. It can also detect if you’ve left the stove on or the tap running.
Keeping your safety in mind, Peres is another handheld device that "smells" your meat, be it pork, beef, chicken or fish, before you cook it to determine the risk of food poisoning. It is designed to take a sample of the air around the meat and detect concentration of volatile organic compounds and other gases. It then detects whether the product is fresh, if it’s hazardous to health, or if it’s been left unrefridgerated for some time. The data is then transmitted to your smartphone.
What do you think of these hand-held health technologies? Would you like to have one for your home?
-Jessica Harding, associate web editor