Greener by the moment
Last weekend, any lingering doubts about how much the ‘green’ movement has permeated our economy were dispelled when I attended

Last weekend, any lingering doubts about how much the ‘green’ movement has permeated our economy were dispelled when I attended the Green Living Show.
It was my first visit to the three-year-old event, which showcased an amazing array of green products and services, organic food providers and non-profit environmental organizations. The result? A sometimes odd mix of ‘luxury’ hybrid car makers, big-name retailers, the latest in solar energy systems and community-based groups like the local field naturalists. Some of my favourites:
‘ Little Green Baggage‘Calgary entrepreneurs who are reworking truck advertising banners that would otherwise end up in landfill sites into unique brightly coloured durable handbags’stylish and useful!
‘ Olympic Organic Yogurt‘the acai and pomegranate yogurt was the perfect mid-afternoon snack, providing antioxidants at their tastiest.
‘ Evergreen‘an organization that helps create healthy and natural outdoor spaces in communities, and particularly schools across the country.
‘ The new Farm Fresh Fare section (they had me at 5 testers for $10!), which combines the efforts of chefs like Toronto’s Jamie Kennedy with meat and produce from organic farmers to provide some of the best trade show food I’ve ever tasted’and prove once and for all that organic isn’t boring.
At the end of the day, I came away with a tree to plant, some PC Green’s Phosphate-free Automatic Dishwasher Detergent to test, information on dual-flush toilets and a renewed commitment to make eco-friendly decisions as often as I can.
What changes have you made to green your home, yard or community?
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