Go With Your Gut: Add a Daily Probiotic to Your Routine
Sisu Integris naturally supports digestive wellness.

Are you suffering from occasional digestive discomfort?
Perhaps you got sick at some point this past winter and haven’t quite bounced back. Or maybe you’re trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of infections and antibiotics, leaving you with recurring bouts of bloating or diarrhea. Finally, you may be one of millions of Canadians suffering from a chronic digestive condition such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Whatever the cause or severity of your stomach distress, it’s worth considering a probiotic supplement proven to improve both digestive and immune health.
Sisu Integris 20 probiotic supports abdominal comfort while also helping to relieve occasional gas and bloating. Integris 20 delivers a patented probiotic strain called Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (LP299v), proven to stimulate the growth of other probiotics — a win-win for your digestive system. Each capsule contains 20 billion live colony-forming units, a dosage that’s been proven safe and effective.
For clinically validated IBS support, try Sisu Integris 30, a high-dosage probiotic with 30 billion live colony-forming units per capsule. In addition to alleviating even severe digestive issues, Integris 30 also supports daily abdominal comfort and helps balance the digestive tract. Plus, as with Integris 20, it can withstand stomach acid, support the intestine’s protective lining and help inhibit pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria. It’s also helpful in reducing or even eliminating the nausea and diarrhea that can accompany a course of antibiotics. (Just be sure to take it at least two hours before or after antibiotics.)
Sisu Integris supplements are formulated with live probiotic cultures, with their potency guaranteed to expiry (unlike many other brands, which quickly begin degrading the moment they leave the manufacturer). And they’re safe — in fact, these are some of the most well-researched probiotics on the market, with nearly two decades and more than 75 clinical studies behind them. Also good to know: Sisu Integris is dairy-free and stable at room temperature, so it doesn’t need refrigeration.
For healthy, comfortable digestion, trust your gut: Sisu Integris. For more information, go to sisu.com.