Get up! Why you need to start moving during the day
This week is Sneak It In Week – a campaign from ParticipACTION, a non-profit organization that is fighting against inactivity

This week is Sneak It In Week – a campaign from ParticipACTION, a non-profit organization that is fighting against inactivity in Canada. This week (April 7 to 11) they’re encouraging Canadians to get up from their desks throughout the day and get moving.
According to Statistics Canada, 85 percent of Canadian adults currently do not meet the recommended amount of physical activity (150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per week).
But that’s not the only reason to sit less.
Recent studies show just how risky it is to sit all day. One study showed that you can add two years to your life just by spending more time standing. Another study showed that sitting for seven uninterrupted hours can raise blood pressure and decrease good cholesterol. Yet another study showed that moving around throughout the day (instead of sitting) is more important than regular exercise for preventing type 2 diabetes.
ParticipACTION has some great suggestions for increasing your activity during the work day. ‘Wear sneakers to work. Walk to lunch. Park a few blocks away. Hit the pavement on your coffee break.’
Some other options include setting a timer to go off every hour to remind you to take a lap around the office and doing stretches at your desk throughout the day.
How do you stay active during the work day?
-Katharine Watts, associate web editor
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