How To Fix Cellulite – Fast!
No judgement. No Shame. But if bumpy bits have got you down, here are some suggestions on how to get rid of cellulite quickly.

The Quick Cellulite Fix
You know There’s a lot going on underneath that contributes to a dimpled surface, including trapped blood micro-circulation, multiplying fat-storing cells, decreased fat burning and excessive production of hypodermis fibres that lead to rigid skin.
“Cellulite is a multifactorial issue,” says Marie-Hélène Lair, scientific communication director for Clarins International. “It’s linked to our lifestyle and our physiology. Initially, cellulite had a positive role. [It was] fat storage when we weren’t used to eating three times a day. But when we eat too much, fat storage becomes excessive: Cellulite appears as sponginess.”
How do you get rid of cellulite? On the outside, a hydrating lotion tricked out with a blend of proven skin-firming ingredients, such as caffeine, can have a visible smoothing effect. “We’ve identified the power of the quince leaf from Portugal,” says Lair of the latest formula. “It’s like a botanical corset.”
The Cellulite Wellness Win
Become hands-on. Yes, massaging a luxurious cream into your skin feels good, but taking a few minutes to master a body contouring technique can elevate the outcome. At Clarins (pros in the category since 1962), this begins seated with knees bent. Warm cream between hands, then use palms to press it firmly into skin working from ankles up to tops of thighs. Sweep hands up each leg several times. This temporarily gets rid of cellulite and the look of skin dimpling.

Clarins Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert, $68 at
The Cellulite Treatment Fix
But what about getting rid of cellulite permanently? “If you had asked me months ago, I’d say nothing works,” says Dr. Julia Carroll, a dermatologist and founder of Compass Dermatology in Toronto. Up until now, in-office cellulite treatments haven’t lived up to their hype.
“You may get a little bit of tightening of the skin temporarily or swelling that hides it.” But now things are different.
Already available in Europe and the US, a new-to-Canada device called Cellfina is set to change all that. The cost is about $5,000.
Disclaimer: It doesn’t sound fun. First, a small vacuum device gathers and anaesthetizes the problem area. Next, a sharp component is inserted into the skin to sever the tether cords that cause dimpling to appear near the surface. Once you cut the ties that bind, the results are impressive immediately and – wait for it – could be permanent. Dr. Carroll, who witnessed the machine in action last year, calls it a game changer for cellulite.