What Men Should Eat for Better Fertility
What your partner eats affects fertility, too. Here’s what to stock up on (and what to avoid)

The attitude about the role of sperm and infertility used to be: sperm quality makes no difference. But numerous studies are showing strong connections between food, sperm and infertility. For example, a 2013 study from the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that carotenoids (pigments in plant-based foods that act as antioxidants) may positively impact semen quality. Here’s a list of fertility-boosting food for men and a few foods that he should avoid.
Eat Walnuts
About 1/2 cup (60 g) per day improves sperm motility and strength, notes a 2012 University of California study.
Drink coffee
“For men, drinking coffee increases sperm motility, a key factor in successful insemination,” notes Bentov. “If a man’s sperm isn’t moving fast, we ask him to drink coffee before sex.”
Limit soy
In a 2008 Harvard School of Public Health study, higher levels of soy intake were linked to a lower sperm concentration.
Avoid saturated fats
Don’t eat saturated fat found in butter, poultry skin and fatty cuts of meat. A 2012 Danish study found that eating high amounts of saturated fats lowered sperm count.