Event: Reduce your water footprint on World Water Day
How much water do you use in a day? From the moment you get up, water is necessary for you

How much water do you use in a day? From the moment you get up, water is necessary for you to use the washroom, take a shower, brush your teeth, brew some coffee’and that’s before you even walk out the door to work. And do you know how much water it takes to produce some of your favourite foods?
Throughout the day you’ll continue to use water without even thinking about it. After all, in Canada we don’t really have to worry about where we’ll get water’it’s readily available as soon as you turn the tap on. But not everyone in the world shares this luxury.
According to the UN’s official website for World Water Day, each of us drinks from 2 to 4 litres of water every day‘most of which is embedded in our food. For example, producing one kilo of beef consumes 15,000 litres of water!
The Canadian non-governmental organization, One Drop, also shares the goal of generating water awareness by helping to develop access-to-water and water sanitation projects in countries where access is limited.
Visit One Drop’s website to get four delicious "low-water" recipes from Cirque du Soleil’s chef, François Martin.
And today, for World Water Day, consider how much water you’re using. Do you run the tap while you brush your teeth? How long are your showers? Do you do laundry every day? There are small things you can do to help reduce your water footprint.
What will you do today to reduce your water footprint?
‘ Water footprint of common foods
‘ 5 ways to reduce your water footprint
‘ The best reusable water bottles