Debate: Are you happiest in your 30s?
Just when exactly are the best days of our lives? Though surely not the same for everyone, a survey conducted

Just when exactly are the best days of our lives? Though surely not the same for everyone, a survey conducted by Friends United, a British social-networking site, found that 70 percent of respondents over 40 say their happiest age was 33.
Of the survey’s findings, psychologist Donna Dawson, says “The age of 33 is enough time to have shaken off childhood naivety and the wild scheming of teenaged years without losing the energy and enthusiasm of youth. By this age innocence has been lost, but our sense of reality is mixed with a strong sense of hope, a "can do" spirit, and a healthy belief in our own talents and abilities.”
In comparison, just six percent of people responded that they were happiest during their time spent at university, and only 16 percent were happiest during their childhood years.
While I haven’t yet reached the age of 33, I can say that I feel more comfortable and confident with each year. Sure, there’s nothing like the carefree days of high school, but even if I could choose, I wouldn’t trade what I’ve gained in the years since to go back (even if it did mean thinner hips and a more youthful complexion).
What’s your happiest age?
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