Not Sure If You Have A Cold Or The Flu – Here’s How To Find Out And How To Treat It
Which is worse: Cold vs flu? Either way being sick sucks. And the only way to feel better is to know what you’re dealing with.

What’s the diff’? Cold vs flu
Coughing, fever, runny nose. How do you know if you are you suffering from a common cold vs flu? How can you know for sure? (Heck, it might even be allergies, if you get them.)
“People mix them up quite a lot,” says Dr. Jonathan Kerr, a family physician in Belleville, Ontario.
And it’s no wonder; both illnesses make you feel miserable, and many of the symptoms can overlap.
But colds and flus aren’t created equal, and the best way to deal with them may be different, too. Here’s what you need to know when you’re wondering which ailment has you laying low.
Cold vs flu: The symptoms are similar
The common cold or the flu? Both caused by viruses, and both can take up to a week or two to leave your system. Both are easily spread from person to person. They can also cause similar symptoms, such as nasal congestion, coughing, headache, sore throat and a fever. (If you need relief from sneezing, you should try these natural remedies.)
But there are some vital differences, so it is possible to know if it is a cold or the flu
Ask a doctor about the biggest difference between a cold and a flu, and they’ll tell you it’s how well you function while you’re sick.
Are you making your best effort to go about your business, or are you completely out of action?
“Most people with a cold, they still go to work and look after their kids,” says Kerr. “When you have the flu, you’re not doing anything. You’re getting Grandma to look after the kids because you’re down for the count.” (Should you exercise with a cold? Find out with this symptom guide.)
What are some key flu symptoms you’re unlikely to experience with a cold that you’ll have to suffer through with a flu?
A flu makes you ache all over and causes crushing fatigue. Your fever is higher than the mildly elevated temperature associated with a cold, and it comes with chills and sweats. And you may experience vomiting or diarrhea with a flu.
“The true flu knocks you right on your back,” says Kerr. “You’re in bed for days and can’t move. Everything hurts.”
Other clues to if you have a cold vs flu
A flu tends to hit you fast, like a ton of bricks, while a cold will come on more slowly. Another clue is the season when it strikes; flu is more common in winter and early spring. If you get sick at other times of the year, such as during the summer, it’s more likely you’re grappling with a cold.
Plus, a flu tends to spread quickly through an entire community at once.
That means you’ll hear stories about friends and neighbours all getting sick. Your doctor’s office or closest hospital will also be able to tell you if there’s been a local outbreak. (If, so you may want to check out these virus prevention methods to avoid getting sick.)
Treat yourself: Cold vs flu treatment
Whether you’re flattened by flu or struggling with a cold, your best approach is to deal with the symptoms. Get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids.
That’s especially important if you have a flu, which may make you lose your appetite or make it hard to keep food down. Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can ease muscle aches, and cold medications may help dry up a runny nose. Wash your hands frequently to avoid infecting others. (Plus, these foods boost your immune system, so you may be less likely to get sick.)
Since both sicknesses are caused by a virus, antibiotics won’t help – they only fight bacteria. But Tamiflu, a medication prescribed by your doctor, may reduce the severity of a flu and will shorten the duration by about a day. You should start taking Tamiflu within the first 48 hours of your symptoms.
If you do have a flu, expect to be completely incapacitated for a few days. If you have a cold, on the other hand, you may be tempted to tough it out at the office. Bad idea – you’ll only spread your sickness, and your colleagues might not appreciate it.
As for the tried-and-true chicken soup remedy, there just might be something to it – for both a cold and the flu. Chicken soup has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, and it also temporarily eases nasal congestion.
“Chicken soup is great because it gives you fluid and salt,” adds Kerr. “But it’s also great because someone’s taking care of you.” (Want some more cold relief options? We have them!)