Colours to freshen up your home decor
Looking to lift your mood with a little DIY? Get patriotic with these Canadian-inspired hues!

Source: Best Health Magazine, November 2012; Photo by Tracy Shumate
Freshen up your home this fall with Beauti-Tone’s new paint line from Canadian fashion designer Simon Chang. Beauti-Tone’made right here in this country’sticks to its roots with the ‘Oh Canada!’ collection.
‘It’s important not to lose our Canadian identity, and because ‘of our diverse culture, our design sense is exquisite,’ says Bev ‘Bell, creative director for Beauti-Tone Paint and Home Products Division. ‘We decided to pick colours that come from our landscape and culture.’
The Oh Canada! Trend Colour Collection features 42 colours with fun names spread out over six palettes, each of which draws its inspiration from the various parts of Canada: Savoir Flair (Quebec); Northern Reflection (Northwest Territories and Yukon); Beauti and the East (Eastern Canada); Culture Club (urban centres); Wheat Till You Try It (Prairies); and Pacific Overture (B.C.).
We picked a colour from each of the palettes to showcase above. Left to right: Tragically Hip from Culture Club; Haute Stuff from Savoir Flair; Northern Dancer from Northern Reflection, Cream of Wheat from Wheat Till You Try It; Fishing for Complements from Beauti and the East; and Sea and Sky from Pacific Overture.
(Prices start at $28 per gallon; Home Hardware, Home Building Centres, Home Hardware Building Centres;
This article was originally titled "Coat the walls in colour’Canadian colour" in the November 2012 issue of Best Health. Subscribe today to get the full Best Health experience’and never miss an issue!