Beauty tips: Makeup artist Nick Barose
One of the biggest focuses in makeup these days is eyelashes. RapidLash, shown here, and available at drugstores for $59,

One of the biggest focuses in makeup these days is eyelashes.
RapidLash, shown here, and available at drugstores for $59, is a treatment that nourishes and fortifies lashes and can be used on those disappearing eyebrows too. You apply it with a thin wand/brush close to the eyelash roots at nighttime.
Recently, Nick Barose visited us at Best Health to promote RapidLash and to also talk spring trends. Barose is a New York based makeup artist who has a celebrity clientele. Discussing beauty trends, Barose said that he’s not such a big fan of professional eyelash extensions because they restrict how much makeup you can use’the tug of removing the makeup can weaken the extensions. He prefers, if you want to go fake, individual false lashes you apply at home (much more natural than a strip of lashes’they should look natural, he emphasized).
Bright colour is a big beauty trend for spring, but he says blue is difficult on most people and to try purple, which is generally flattering on many. He’s a fan of color mascaras as "a subtle way to wear colour on your eyes."
When it comes to choosing a bright lipstick don’t get bogged down in theory, he says. Choose a colour that makes you feel good’you’ll know what works (once you apply it, of course).
(My sentiments exactly’the difference brand to brand with bright lip colours like fuchsia or coral makes that clear to me.) Besides, it’s supposed to be fun.
"Apply it directly from the tube – and don’t use a matching lip pencil. If you need a pencil, use a soft nude shade. Clean up the edges with a lip brush or with a sponge and a little sheer concealer," says Barose, who names Tom Ford and YSL as favourite brands for bold lip colour. (Cha-ching!)
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