Beauty: In the shower
The arrival of hot weather always makes me shower-centric and looking for new products to try. Here are a couple

The arrival of hot weather always makes me shower-centric and looking for new products to try. Here are a couple of goodies from Olay that have caught my eye–a razor and a shower gel.
Gillette Venus & Olay Razor. A slender razor boasts ultra-thin blades for a close shave and less pressure on your skin (that’s the Gillette Venus part); built-in moisture bars (that’s Olay) means you can, if you like, skip the shaving gel. Right away that gets my vote for the a.m. grooming rush hour to get ready for work. Meanwhile, to read the product fact sheet, you’d think that there were NASA scientist/engineers behind this–or maybe NASCAR. To quote: "Five progressively aligned, spring-mounted blades adjust to [your] curves for a more comfortable shave and fewer missed hairs, even over tricky shaving areas like knees and ankles." As for those little bars, they have lock-in moisturizer petrolatum and moisturizing glycerin to keep your legs silky. A razor with two replacement cartridges is about $11.99. Three cartridges are $17.83.
Olay Body Collection in Soothing Cucumber. I’m taking on any heat wave with the fragrant cucumber Cleansing Body Wash, infused with aloe oil, and containing cucumber fruit water. The overall scent is a green floral with musk-woody base. Three other shower buddies in the cuke collection are a moisturizing body wash; a body lotion; and body bars with "new longer-lasting massaging nubs." Isn’t nubs a cute word? $6.99 each.