Finally, A Solution For Adult Acne That Really Works
Breakouts know no age limit.

The Quick Fix For Adult Acne
If you’re going after blemishes one at a time, you need to revise your approach. “Acne is a barrier disease,” says Naomi Furgiuele, senior director at Johnson & Johnson, who has studied acne up close. “The skin is less able to retain moisture and has more damage than skin without acne and more inflammation. We’ve been able to image the skin, look at unseen acne and see a pimple before it emerges. Acne sufferers have inflammation on the whole face. If you’re just treating the spot, you’re only chasing the visible problem.”
For a clearer picture, start addressing the whole canvas (that is, your face) with verified ingredients: salicylic acid for mild to moderate acne and benzoyl peroxide for more severe acne. “Salicylic acid essentially helps skin shed,” says Furgiuele. “In a way, it exfoliates dead skin cells that end up on the surface and clog pores. Benzoyl peroxide clears oil that blocks pores, killing bacteria, and it’s anti-inflammatory.” Add a gentle cleanser and an oil-free moisturizer to complete a full-face management plan. Both are key to giving compromised skin a chance to be healthy and stop the vicious cycle of breakouts, she says.
An Investment Solution For Adult Acne
For starters, you can stop feeling bad if you still have – or have developed – blemishes. “It isn’t just an issue for teens: Thirty percent of women over 30 struggle with acne,” says dermatologist, Dr. Julia Carroll, who identifies hormones as the biggest culprit. “People understand that it isn’t their fault and are seeking help, going at it from a medical perspective rather than just covering it up.” For those who want to look better ASAP (like tomorrow), she suggests a procedure that combines photodynamic therapy and topical medication. “We harness the power of a laser to turn on the medication,” she says.
“This decreases the size of oil glands and reduces the intensity and number of breakouts. It also targets redness and brown spots left over from acne. It’s a one-two punch.”
If you’re extra-lucky, part of the $600 per treatment cost may be covered by your drug plan because the topical component is a prescription medication.