7 ways to beat restless legs

Jumpy, irritated leg muscles are a sign of restless legs syndrome. Try these tricks to calm your restless legs

7 ways to beat restless legs

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition that ranges from a creepy-crawly sensation that runs up and down your legs to quivers, jerks, pins and needles, numbness, pain or a burning sensation. It affects millions of individuals every day, and their chief complaint is difficulty falling asleep’and staying asleep. That’s because that is when these sensations typically occur. And unfortunately, many people who have RLS also have trouble controlling sudden limb movements, which can occur every 20 to 30 seconds all night long’a major sleep disruptor.

Twenty percent of pregnant women also suffer from RLS. If you’re expecting, "delivery is the real remedy," says Grace Pien, M.D., a sleep researcher at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology.

1. Walk before bed

Don’t do anything too aerobic, because that will keep you up. Just take a nice, quiet stroll around the block before you turn in.

2. Stretch

Doing leg stretches for five minutes or so right before you hop into bed will help settle your legs.

3. Warm your legs

Apply heat over your lower legs when you lie down. A microwavable heat pack stuffed with fragrant herbs is perfect. When it cools, you don’t even have to get up. You can toss it under the bed, turn out the light, and head into dreamland.

4. Avoid antihistamines

Over-the-counter sleep aids that contain antihistamines will make restless legs worse. Avoid them under any circumstances.

5. Check iron and folate levels

Even when you take vitamins, some women develop an anemia that will cause leg cramps and restless legs. Your doctor can run a simple blood test that will reveal inadequate levels. If levels are low, she may prescribe an iron or B-complex supplement.

6. Beef up your diet

During pregnancy, eat a diet rich in red meat, eggs and whole grains to maintain adequate iron and folate levels.

7. Stay out of smoky rooms

Studies show that pregnant women who are exposed to tobacco smoke have double the risk of restless legs.

Adapted from the book Sleep to be Sexy, Smart and Slim, available at the Best Health store’click through to order a copy today.