Dance while you work
“Dance! I dance when I cook or clean, or any time I can. You will be surprised by how quickly it can make a difference-not only in how you look, but also in how you feel. It’s a great way to boost your mood, and gives you some of those ‘good vibrations.’ You can dance to anything that tickles your fancy, but I prefer something upbeat like Lady Gaga, some old-school disco or tunes with a Latin beat. So shake your body, and do that rumba!” -Rebecca Roberts, 26, Calgary
Image: Milan Zeremski/iStock

Walk to work
“I walk to and from work, averaging 5 ½ kilometres per day. It’s an easy way to get cardio exercise without spending hours at the gym. As well, it helps to maintain my weight and keep my bones strong.
Walking definitely gives me energy in the morning and then clears my mind on my walk home. Other benefits include saving money-the cost of new pairs of walking shoes is much less than transit passes or parking-and it only takes me 25 minutes to walk home, but 50 minutes by bus due to traffic congestion.” -Nancy Chow, 48, Calgary

Get moving on your lunch break
“If you work nine-to-five, lunchtime is the perfect chance to get 30 to 40 minutes of exercise. I walk during lunch as well as to work every day (even though the temperature here can go down to -40 degrees Celsius). Walking has improved my health both physically and mentally. I have more energy and am able to manage my daily routine as a full-time secretary, a mother of two teens and a wife of a husband who works shifts.” -Michele Zagrodnik, 45, Timmins, ONT.
“At lunchtime, I go to the gym in the basement of my workplace and do a step, spin or core class. Working out every day relieves a lot of stress and allows me to move around, as most of my workday is spent sitting at a desk.” -Judy Folk, 56, Aldergrove, B.C.

Get off the bus early
“Along with my regular exercise program, which includes Krav Maga (a rigorous self-defence program) and climbing, I always get off the bus one stop early. Just that extra 10 minutes of brisk walking adds up, and I hardly know I’m exercising.” -Katie Prescott, 32, Vancouver

Spend time outside
“I spend atleast one hour a day outside (weather permitting). Enjoying nature is a great way for me to spend time in quiet contemplation. I garden, go for a hike or walk the dogs.” -Paula Croft, 41, Barrhead, Alberta

Bike to work
“I cycle to work in the summer with a change of clothes. It takes only about 12 minutes each way, but it’s uphill on the way home. It fits a mini workout into my busy schedule.” Sonya Barnett, 35, Toronto

Squat when you walk
“As a mom with a newborn, I find it impossible to get to the gym to work out, so instead I ‘work in.’ Whenever I’m carrying my baby, I start doing a few reps of squats or side lunges. By the end of the day, I’ve done a lot of sets, my baby is amused, and I’m building up my leg muscles. The added bonus: As my baby grows, I have instant weight added to my little workout!” -Naomi Richmond, 37, Ajax, ON
• How to make exercise a habit
• 20 ways to burn 100 calories
• 3 eco-friendly ways to exercise