Running Like a Girl: Notes on Learning to Run by Alexandra Heminsley
Running Like a Girl is a comical story about becoming a runner and the somewhat unrealistic expectations author Alexandra Heinsley had when first starting out. $18, amazon.ca

Runner: A short story about a long run by Lizzy Hawker
Lizzy Hawker is an endurance runner holding the world record for 24hrs. In 2011 she set a new record running from Everest Base Camp to Kathmandu. $14, amazon.ca

Girl on the Run by B.R. Myers
After the sudden death of her father, seventeen-year-old Jesse Collins finds the inspiration to run again from an unlikely source. $18, indigo.ca

What Makes Olga Run?: The Mystery of the 90-something Track Star… by Bruce Grierson
This is the remarkable story of Olga Kotelko, a Canadian track and field star who continued to run and compete until her death in June 2014 at the age of 95. She held 26 world records in her age category. $21, indigo.ca

80/20 Running: Run Stronger and Race Faster by Training Slower by Matt Fitzgerald
Learn how to 80/20 program – in which you do 80 percent of runs at a lower intensity and just 20 percent at a higher intensity – can help you perform better. $18, indigo.ca