Sidewalk smoking

I’ve been inspired these last two mornings by my coworker who often walks to work. I’ve been doing it to

I’ve been inspired these last two mornings by my coworker who often walks to work. I’ve been doing it to get some healthy fresh air before being shut inside for the day. But it feels like clean air is the last thing I’ve got.

I’m not a militant anti-smoker by any stretch, but these last couple of mornings I’ve been completely grossed out by the amount of second-hand smoke I’ve inhaled in my quest for fresh air. Literally every single time I waited at a street corner for the light to change, I was forced to do some creative maneuvering trying to duck and dodge the hovering clouds of cigarette smoke (on the positive side, possible toning benefits from all my maneuvers?).

This isn’t the first time I’ve been annoyed by sidewalk smoking. I’m a runner and find my path often takes me through clouds of smoke. In those cases, I exhale hard as I run through the smoke.

Research from the Canadian Cancer Society shows that outdoor second-hand smoke poses health hazards, and that the increased visibility of smoking outside promotes the acceptability of smoking. All that aside, I just find it really unpleasant – especially first thing in the morning.

I’m not sure I’d go as far as to advocate a sweeping smoking ban that included places like sidewalks, but I also do think it’s not fair to have to walk or run through cigarette smoke when you’re trying to enjoy the spring weather. Your thoughts?