Eat This Veggie for Breakfast And You May Just Lose Weight

Research says including this vegetable in your daily breakfast routine will not only make you feel fuller but help with weight loss goals. We’ll raise a frittata to that!

Weight Loss Breakfastphoto credit: shutterstock

Slim down by adding this vegetable to your daily breakfast routine

Make sure to include this veggie on your plate, especially if you have a weight-loss goal. And if you’re already a fan of mushroom recipes – good news, you could be in for some serious weight loss if you go shroom-wild every morning.

A recent randomized controlled crossover trial out of the University of Minnesota, found that eating mushrooms for breakfast each morning can have a satiating effect that potentially lasts longer than your typical breakfast options – think sugary cereals and donuts with coffee (sad, we know).

Weight loss breakfast goals

Researchers wanted to see if eating mushrooms regularly, from cremini to white buttons, for breakfast makes you feel fuller – an important component in the battle to lose weight.

Participants ate either a mushroom sandwich or a minced beef sandwich (which we’re pretty sure this is the clinical, scientific name for a Sloppy Joe, but can’t say for certain) for breakfast for 10 days, and then were told to eat the opposite for the next ten days.

The shroom-eaters reported feeling fuller in the hour or more afterwards. Research findings suggested the mushroom recipes also had plenty of protein by the way they were prepared, but that fungi, in general, offer more belly-filling volume than an equal-energy portion of meat. Mushrooms are higher in fiber content, helping the participants who ate the mushroom recipe sandwiches feel significantly fuller, longer. Here are some more ways you can get more fiber in your diet.

While technically weight loss wasn’t measured as a part of this study, it’s not unreasonable to assume that bulking up on fiber-rich meals will help people lose weight. This Harvard study found a strong connection between fiber intake and weight loss, for example. Either way, the verdict is clear – this is a great excuse to try our lentil and mushroom vegetarian bolognese recipe. (Need another reason to eat more mushrooms? Here are five more benefits.)

The Healthy
Originally Published on The Healthy