New & Now: July 8, 2011

Must-read health news and views from around the web

New & Now: July 8, 2011

Source: Web exclusive, July 2011

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Pass the salt

New research suggests there is no evidence that moderately reducing your salt intake will reduce the risk of developing heart disease. | The Toronto Star

Monthly cycle alters female perception

A new study suggests that depending on where they are in their menstrual cycle, women have very different reactions towards men they don’t know. | The Huffington Post

Payday increases your risk of death

Research published in the Journal of Public Economics has found the risk of dying to be greatest on payday and in the days immediately afterward. According to lead author William Evans, the correlation is due to an increase in consumption and activity. | TIME

Environmental links to autism

A study in the Archives of General Psychiatry has found women who take antidepressants while pregnant have a moderately higher risk of their child having autism, while a second study finds that environmental factors play a significant role. | The Wall Street Journal

Superbug has Ontario hospitals concerned

An outbreak of a highly contagious superbug, known as C. difficile, has Ontario hospitals concerned. At least 18 elderly patients have died as a result of contracting the infection. | The Globe and Mail

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